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MacPorts 2.6.0 beta1 available September 1, 2019

Source code and pkgs for MacPorts 2.6.0-beta1 are now available. Testing of either of these install methods is helpful.

Be prepared to encounter bugs. As always, having a recent backup would be wise. Please report any bugs that you find (after first searching Trac, of course!)

There are a large number of changes in this release. See the ChangeLog for a list of most of the major ones. You may like to focus your testing on the new features in that list, as well as your normal usage.

Of special note:

You will no longer get binary packages for 10.6-10.8 until we switch the packages server over to the new stdlib along with the final 2.6.0 release. You may want to install clang-8.0, clang-3.7, clang-3.4 and their dependencies before installing the beta, to save a bit of build time (the newer clang versions already use libc++ and so won’t need to be rebuilt.)

If you previously followed the LibcxxOnOlderSystems instructions on the wiki, you should revert the changes to macports.conf that the instructions specify. In particular, default_compilers should not be set so that the new MacPorts version can pick the compilers itself. You also probably want buildfromsource to be its default value (“ifneeded”) so that you will use binaries once they are available.