Analysis of sampling i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1 (pid 65601) every 1 millisecond Call graph: 2902 Thread_3308367 DispatchQueue_1: (serial) 2902 0x1000014d4 2902 0x10000f252 2902 0x10000d27f 2902 0x10000cec8 2902 0x10000b6d1 2902 0x10000ccfc 2902 0x10000b6d1 2902 0x10000ccfc 2902 0x10000b6d1 2902 0x10000ccfc 2902 0x10000b6d1 2902 0x10000ccfc 2902 0x10000c3a1 2902 0x10000b6d1 2902 0x10000ccfc 2902 0x10000a9ce 2902 0x100005261 2902 0x1000217de 2902 0x100020ca4 2902 0x1000219ed 2902 __wait4 Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5): 5 0x10000b6d1 5 0x10000ccfc Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5): __wait4 2902