Changes between Version 1 and Version 8 of Ticket #29856

Jun 19, 2011, 11:34:22 PM (13 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Replying to ryanopolis@…:

My suspicion is that something in MacPorts is configured to look in root/usr instead of opt/local/usr. Does that sound accurate to you?

No; in particular "opt/local/usr" doesn't make sense. "/usr" is a prefix into which various core system files are installed, by Mac OS X and Xcode. "/opt/local" is a prefix into which MacPorts and its ports install their files. Most ports installed with MacPorts need to access some headers and libraries from prefix /usr, and many need to access some headers and libraries from prefix /opt/local. There is nothing to configure to make this happen; this is just how things work. It ought to just work. We do not understand why it is not working for you.

Replying to ryanopolis@…:

If you don't want to answer my questions farther than 'it works for me', would you suggest a forum where I could post this and get a more robust response?

I am not a gcc compilation expert so it's not that I don't want to answer your questions further, it's that I do not know the answers. If the MacPorts gcc maintainer, to whom this ticket is assigned, has time to investigate, he might respond here. If not, you could try contacting the gcc developers directly. You mentioned that you experienced the same trouble with gcc43 and gcc45; you should probably also try gcc46 first before reporting the problem upstream.

