Changes between Version 13 and Version 15 of Ticket #31475

Apr 20, 2012, 1:03:33 PM (12 years ago)
michaelld (Michael Dickens)

I really will get to this port soon. This is "Qt Upgrade Week", which might carry-over into next week. Then I have to deal with Octave and related ports. Then I'll work on GNU Radio and add UHD, switching to CMake from GNU Autotools, which should solve the Qt issue since CMake by default handles dependencies much more robustly than Autotools (at least in my experience). In the GNU Radio upgrade, I'll have to deprecate some older gnuradio-* ports, since they just don't play well with modern GNU Radio. So, I'm sorry but it'll be maybe another month; lots on my queue between MacPorts and life.


  • Ticket #31475 – Description

    v13 v15  
    1 As a newer gnuradio is out than is provided by MacPorts (currently 3.5.1 versus 3.3.0), I wonder how hard it would be to upgrade the port to that?
     1As a newer gnuradio is out than is provided by MacPorts (currently 3.6.2 versus 3.3.0), I wonder how hard it would be to upgrade the port to that?