Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #39428, comment 3

Jul 8, 2013, 11:42:40 PM (11 years ago)
dstrubbe (David Strubbe)


  • Ticket #39428, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 Thanks for the comment. I saw that openmpi used gcc47 as a default, so I thought by analogy it should be the same for mpich. Maybe you disagree with the choice made there. active_variants doesn't really solve the problem: if you do "install arpack +mpich" and do not already have mpich installed, then mpich will be installed, and without Fortran by default. Then active_variants in the arpack Portfile will tell you that though openmpi was installed as a dependency, it is not acceptable since it doesn't have a Fortran wrapper. That is the issue I am trying to solve, which would happen for any port that wants mpif77 or mpif90.
     1Thanks for the comment. I saw that openmpi used gcc47 as a default, so I thought by analogy it should be the same for mpich. Maybe you disagree with the choice made there. active_variants doesn't really solve the problem: if you do "install arpack +mpich" and do not already have mpich installed, then mpich will be installed, and without Fortran by default. Then active_variants in the arpack Portfile will tell you that though mpich was installed as a dependency, it is not acceptable since it doesn't have a Fortran wrapper. That is the issue I am trying to solve, which would happen for any port that wants mpif77 or mpif90.