Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #39681, comment 30

Jun 24, 2014, 1:06:56 AM (10 years ago)
michaelld (Michael Dickens)


  • Ticket #39681, comment 30

    initial v1  
    1 In handling another support ticket, I confirm that this issue still occurs. A possible solution is to comment out the 9 lines of code in gr_types.i towards the end of that file, involving "#ifdef SIZE_T_32". It seems like SWIG might actually be doing the right thing with std::vector<size_t> now with 3.0, probably has been for a while back in the 2.12 series if not earlier. We're testing out this change to see if it is robust across various OSs and SWIG versions.
     1In handling another support ticket, I confirm that this issue still occurs. A possible solution is to comment out the 9 lines of code in gr_types.i towards the end of that file, involving "#ifdef SIZE_T_32". It seems like SWIG might actually be doing the right thing with std::vector<size_t> now with 3.0, probably has been for a while back in the 2.0.10+ series if not earlier. We're testing out this change to see if it is robust across various OSs and SWIG versions.