Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #45584, comment 8

Oct 30, 2014, 12:48:38 PM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #45584, comment 8

    v1 v2  
    22> It doesn’t look like it would be too hard to add a Python 3.4 subport, '''but at least two of its dependencies needs to have it added first'''. You should open a new ticket requesting Python 3 support.
    4 I digged a little more into this subject and actually it seems that the dependency on py-dap, which in turn requires py-httplib2, is no more necessary.[[BR]]
     4I digged a little more into this subject and actually it turned out that the dependency on py-dap, which in turn requires py-httplib2, is no more necessary.[[BR]]
    55According to the Basemap ChangeLog it was removed in version 1.0.2 .[[BR]]
    66On the other hand some functionalities require extra packages which are not currently listed as dependencies:
    7 * scipy : required by some interpolation routine, provided by port py-scipy
     7* scipy : required by the 'interp' interpolation routine, provided by port py-scipy
    88* Python Imaging Library : required by 'warpimage', provided by port py-Pillow (or alternatively the older py-pil)
    9 * OWSLib : required by 'wmsimage', actually not a MacPorts package but available through PyPI (it depends on py-lxml)
    10 The first two can be easily added (Portfile diff attached, already tested on my system) and a python 3.x version should be straightforward.[[BR]]
    11 The last one requires extra efforts given that OWSLib is not a MacPorts package.[[BR]]
    12 Any ideas?
     9* OWSLib : required by 'wmsimage', actually not a MacPorts package, but I managed to create a port #45691 .
     10What about adding these as variants?
     13variant PIL description {Install Python Imaging Library} {
     14  depends_lib-append port:py${python.version}-Pillow
     16variant scipy description {Install scipy} {
     17  depends_lib-append port:py${python.version}-scipy