Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #45708

Nov 1, 2014, 9:10:22 AM (10 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #45708

    • Property Cc ctreleaven@… added
    • Property Summary changed from "port notes active" crashes on deleted port to "port notes active" errors on deleted port
  • Ticket #45708 – Description

    initial v3  
    11A port that is no longer present in the tree can cause an error when running "port notes active" or "port notes installed". This command listed notes for ports in alphabetical order until it reached "eggdbus" and then stopped with "Error: The port 'eggdbus' was not found".  I have eggdbus installed and active but it was deleted in r108419. I think there are two problems here:
    2 (1) If there is a problem getting the notes, it should be a warning not an error, so the listing can continue in this case.
    3 (2) The fact that there is an error suggests that the notes being printed are from the current version in the ports tree, even if the port in question is not the current version. This is unhelpful and might be misleading if the notes contain something version-specific.
     21. If there is a problem getting the notes, it should be a warning not an error, so the listing can continue in this case.
     32. The fact that there is an error suggests that the notes being printed are from the current version in the ports tree, even if the port in question is not the current version. This is unhelpful and might be misleading if the notes contain something version-specific.