Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#47496 closed defect (fixed)

kmymoney4-devel: meinproc4 crashes with segmentation fault

Reported by: vazspam-forum@… Owned by: mkae (Marko Käning)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht), NicosPavlov, pedrojorgevaz@…, RJVB (René Bertin)
Port: kmymoney4-devel, kdelibs4



I'm trying to install kmymoney devel with

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel

But it ends with an error:

:info:build AUTOGEN: Checking /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/kmymoney/payeeidentifier/nationalaccount/ui/nationaaccountedit.cpp
:info:build AUTOGEN: Checking /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/kmymoney/payeeidentifier/nationalaccount/ui/nationalaccountdelegate.cpp
:info:build AUTOGEN: Checking /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/kmymoney/payeeidentifier/nationalaccount/ui/pluginfactory.cpp
:info:build AUTOGEN: Checking /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/kmymoney/payeeidentifier/nationalaccount/ui/nationaaccountedit.h
:info:build AUTOGEN: Checking /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/kmymoney/payeeidentifier/nationalaccount/ui/nationalaccountdelegate.h
:info:build make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build /opt/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build/CMakeFiles 
:info:build [ 12%] Built target payeeidentifier_nationalAccount_ui_automoc
:info:build /Applications/ -f doc/CMakeFiles/doc-manpage-man-kmymoney.dir/build.make doc/CMakeFiles/doc-manpage-man-kmymoney.dir/depend
:info:build make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build cd /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build && /opt/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/doc /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build/doc /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build/doc/CMakeFiles/doc-manpage-man-kmymoney.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
:info:build make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build /Applications/ -f doc/CMakeFiles/doc-manpage-man-kmymoney.dir/build.make doc/CMakeFiles/doc-manpage-man-kmymoney.dir/build
:info:build make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build /opt/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build/CMakeFiles 13
:info:build [ 13%] Generating kmymoney.1
:info:build cd /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build/doc && /opt/local/bin/meinproc4 --stylesheet /opt/local/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-include-man.xsl --check /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/doc/man-kmymoney.1.docbook
:info:build /bin/sh: line 1: 40953 Segmentation fault: 11  /opt/local/bin/meinproc4 --check --cache /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build/doc/index.cache.bz2 /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/doc/index.docbook
:info:build make[2]: *** [doc/index.cache.bz2] Error 139
:info:build make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build make[1]: *** [doc/CMakeFiles/doc-handbook.dir/all] Error 2
:info:build make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
:info:build /bin/sh: line 1: 40966 Segmentation fault: 11  /opt/local/bin/meinproc4 --stylesheet /opt/local/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-include-man.xsl --check /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/doc/man-kmymoney.1.docbook
:info:build make[2]: *** [doc/kmymoney.1] Error 139
:info:build make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build make[1]: *** [doc/CMakeFiles/doc-manpage-man-kmymoney.dir/all] Error 2
:info:build make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build make: *** [all] Error 2
:info:build make: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build'
:info:build Command failed:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build" && /usr/bin/make -j2 -w all VERBOSE=ON 
:info:build Exit code: 2
:error:build for port kmymoney4-devel returned: command execution failed
:debug:build Error code: CHILDSTATUS 40386 2
:debug:build Backtrace: command execution failed
    while executing
"system -nice 0 $fullcmdstring"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval system $notty $nice \$fullcmdstring"
    invoked from within
"command_exec build"
    (procedure "portbuild::build_main" line 8)
    invoked from within
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $procedure $targetname"
:info:build Warning: targets not executed for kmymoney4-devel: org.macports.activate org.macports.destroot org.macports.install
:notice:build Please see the log file for port kmymoney4-devel for details:

Attachments (4)

patch-CMakeLists-doc.diff (381 bytes) - added by NicosPavlov 9 years ago.
patch-Portfile.diff (372 bytes) - added by NicosPavlov 9 years ago.
kmm4-docs-make.log (109.4 KB) - added by RJVB (René Bertin) 9 years ago.
patch-no-concurrent-meinproc4.diff (1.8 KB) - added by RJVB (René Bertin) 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (59)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Cc: pixilla@… added
Owner: changed from macports-tickets@… to mk@…
Summary: kmymoney4-devel returns command execution failedkmymoney4-devel: meinproc4 crashes with segmentation fault

meinproc4 crashed. This has been a recurring intermittent problem. I don't know the current status though.

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Cc: nicos@… added
Port: kdelibs4 added

comment:3 in reply to:  1 Changed 9 years ago by vazspam-forum@…

Replying to ryandesign@…:

meinproc4 crashed. This has been a recurring intermittent problem. I don't know the current status though.

Any workaround available?

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by NicosPavlov

It is indeed an intermittent issue, that we could not really pinpoint yet. However, this problem usually occurs only when building the documentation, so that avoiding the +docs variant is usually enough to avoid it.

It seems that kmymoney4-devel does not fully enforce this variant, though. I attach patches in order to avoid any use of meinproc4 by deactivating documentation by default.

Changed 9 years ago by NicosPavlov

Attachment: patch-CMakeLists-doc.diff added

Changed 9 years ago by NicosPavlov

Attachment: patch-Portfile.diff added

comment:5 Changed 9 years ago by vazspam-forum@…

I am a beginner in this. Could you tell me what I have to do next? Should I try to get the port again? thanks

comment:6 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Hi Nicos and vazspam, this is actually the first meinproc4 failure in a long time!


  • Which OSX version are you running on your end?
  • Is the crash reproducible?
  • If so, could you send the build log?
Last edited 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning) (previous) (diff)

comment:7 Changed 9 years ago by vazspam-forum@…

I'm on OS X 10.9.5 and it fails everytime.

Here's what I did:

sudo port installed | grep kmy

No output. Then:

sudo port selfupdate
--->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
MacPorts base version 2.3.3 installed,
MacPorts base version 2.3.3 downloaded.
--->  Updating the ports tree
--->  MacPorts base is already the latest version

The ports tree has been updated. To upgrade your installed ports, you should run
  port upgrade outdated


sudo port upgrade outdated


sudo port install kmymoney4-devel 4.8-20150220
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel
Error: for port kmymoney4-devel returned: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port kmymoney4-devel for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port kmymoney4-devel failed

And here's the log file:

Last edited 9 years ago by vazspam-forum@… (previous) (diff)

comment:8 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Your log file doesn't seem to be complete, as it stop in line 212 for me at the end of the word "..._dependencie".

Sure you uploaded the whole thing?

comment:9 in reply to:  8 Changed 9 years ago by vazspam-forum@…

Yes, but when I opened it in vi I got this message:

evel/kmymoney4-devel/main.log" [readonly][Incomplete last line] 212 lines, 16384 characters
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Anyway, I renamed the file and rerun the install command

comment:10 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Thanks for supplying the details!

Can you reproduce this build failure reliably? (How often have you tried to start this port installation?)

If so, you'd be the 1st one who can reproduce this in years! Would you be willing to support us in finding the reason for the failure?

For a start I have committed r135456, which hopefully makes it build on your end now.

This should still fail to install - but only - if you do it like this

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel +docs

Without using variant +docs it should build fine for you.


With r135459 this is now KMM's current git master.

Last edited 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning) (previous) (diff)

comment:11 in reply to:  10 Changed 9 years ago by vazspam-forum@…

Of course I'll help!

This happens every time I try to install the KMM and I have tried to install it a few times already.

I noticed one thing though. I call the install command differently than you do. I do (copied from a website):

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel 4.8-20150220

So when I ran yours (without 4.8-20150220) and I got an error:

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel +docs
Error: Requested variants "+docs" do not match original selection "".
Please use the same variants again, perform 'port clean kmymoney4-devel' or specify the force option (-f).
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port kmymoney4-devel failed

I then ran the following command also unsuccessfully:

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel 4.8-20150220 +docs

Is it failing because I added that last parameter? Finally, I ran command as you mentioned but it still failed.

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel

Replying to mk@…:

Thanks for supplying the details!

Can you reproduce this build failure reliably? (How often have you tried to start this port installation?)

If so, you'd be the 1st one who can reproduce this in years! Would you be willing to support us in finding the reason for the failure?

For a start I have committed r135456, which hopefully makes it build on your end now.

This should still fail to install - but only - if you do it like this

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel +docs

Without using variant +docs it should build fine for you.


With r135459 this is now KMM's current git master.

comment:12 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Please do as the Error advised you to: use -f option:

sudo port -f install kmymoney4-devel +docs

That should still fail to build, if your build failures are as reproducible as you write.

OK, then you do call this:

sudo port -f install kmymoney4-devel

which should fix that.

Keep me posted. :)

I'll come back to you regarding investigations re this bug. Have to go now.

comment:13 Changed 9 years ago by NicosPavlov

I don't think the two commands (with and without +docs) should give any difference in the result (when performed from a clean state), because kmymoney4-devel is not enforcing the variant at this point (the issue here happened without requesting the +docs variant). See my patch for ensuring the enforcement of the variant.

comment:14 Changed 9 years ago by vazspam-forum@…

Sorry guys, as nicos expected, neither worked

sudo port -f install kmymoney4-devel +docs
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel
Error: for port kmymoney4-devel returned: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port kmymoney4-devel for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port kmymoney4-devel failed
iMac:Downloads pedrovaz$ /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/main.log

sudo port -f install kmymoney4-devel
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel
Error: for port kmymoney4-devel returned: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port kmymoney4-devel for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port kmymoney4-devel failed

comment:15 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

I am puzzled now, as I cannot understand what Nicos meant. Perhaps he didn't notice that r135456 also included his patch? The port initially did have all the documentation built, because I had disabled all those patches (which are removing the docs) a while ago, in order to find someone who will see this port breaking because of meinproc4.

The +docs variant should make a difference, as it would now build without any of those patches.

Without using this variant one should have a successful build. (Which is clearly not the case as I see above, so I still must have missed something.)

Where am I wrong?

I do not understand, why

I'll have a few days of rest now.

comment:16 Changed 9 years ago by NicosPavlov

You are right, I missed the commit, but as it was committed only yesterday, I suspect that a synchronisation is missing.

@vazspam-forum: You should run

sudo port selfupdate

to have the latest version of the ports, and then running

sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
sudo port -d install kmymoney4-devel

should provide a clean install (if not, you could attach the main.log to this ticket).

On the other hand, running

sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
sudo port -d install kmymoney4-devel +docs

should fail if your issue is reproducible, providing the debug information that Marko is hoping for, in particular the main.log file, and the trace.

comment:17 in reply to:  16 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Replying to nicos@…:

... I suspect that a synchronisation is missing.

Oh, well, you're absolutely right. I hope this explains and solves it for vazspram-forum.

comment:18 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

vazspram-forum, if you're able to install kmymoney4-devel fine now, please run only this build, which should fail on you:

$ sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
$ sudo port build kmymoney4-devel +docs
$ ls -l ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/

The last line should allow you to find the most recent crash log. Please upload that to this issue.

comment:19 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

I've just updated this port to the latest "git master", as well as now used the correct "date" as its revision.

Please run again:

$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port upgrade outdated

comment:20 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

[i've updated my email address to my main one so I can keep better track of the updates]

Ok, so I'm only running the commands provided by MK

sudo port selfupdate
--->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
MacPorts base version 2.3.3 installed,
MacPorts base version 2.3.3 downloaded.
--->  Updating the ports tree
--->  MacPorts base is already the latest version

The ports tree has been updated. To upgrade your installed ports, you should run
  port upgrade outdated
sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
iMac:Downloads pedrovaz$ sudo port build kmymoney4-devel +docs
--->  Fetching archive for curl-ca-bundle
--->  Attempting to fetch curl-ca-bundle-7.42.0_0.darwin_13.noarch.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch curl-ca-bundle-7.42.0_0.darwin_13.noarch.tbz2.rmd160 from
--->  Installing curl-ca-bundle @7.42.0_0
--->  Cleaning curl-ca-bundle
--->  Deactivating curl-ca-bundle @7.41.0_1
--->  Cleaning curl-ca-bundle
--->  Activating curl-ca-bundle @7.42.0_0
--->  Cleaning curl-ca-bundle
--->  Computing dependencies for curl
--->  Fetching archive for curl
--->  Attempting to fetch curl-7.42.0_0+ssl.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch curl-7.42.0_0+ssl.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from
--->  Installing curl @7.42.0_0+ssl
--->  Cleaning curl
--->  Computing dependencies for curl
--->  Deactivating curl @7.41.0_0+ssl
--->  Cleaning curl
--->  Activating curl @7.42.0_0+ssl
--->  Cleaning curl
--->  Computing dependencies for git
--->  Fetching archive for git
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6_0+bash_completion+credential_osxkeychain+doc+gitweb+pcre+perl5_16+python27+svn.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6_0+bash_completion+credential_osxkeychain+doc+gitweb+pcre+perl5_16+python27+svn.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6_0+bash_completion+credential_osxkeychain+doc+gitweb+pcre+perl5_16+python27+svn.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Fetching distfiles for git
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-manpages-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch git-htmldocs-2.3.6.tar.gz from
--->  Verifying checksums for git                                                    
--->  Extracting git
--->  Applying patches to git
--->  Configuring git
--->  Building git
--->  Staging git into destroot
--->  Installing git @2.3.6_0+bash_completion+credential_osxkeychain+doc+gitweb+pcre+perl5_16+python27+svn
--->  Cleaning git
--->  Computing dependencies for git
--->  Deactivating git @2.3.5_0+bash_completion+credential_osxkeychain+doc+gitweb+pcre+perl5_16+python27+svn
--->  Cleaning git
--->  Activating git @2.3.6_0+bash_completion+credential_osxkeychain+doc+gitweb+pcre+perl5_16+python27+svn
--->  Cleaning git
--->  Computing dependencies for isl
--->  Fetching archive for isl
--->  Attempting to fetch isl-0.14.1_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch isl-0.14.1_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from
--->  Installing isl @0.14.1_0
--->  Cleaning isl
--->  Computing dependencies for isl
--->  Deactivating isl @0.14_2
--->  Cleaning isl
--->  Activating isl @0.14.1_0
--->  Cleaning isl
--->  Fetching archive for libcxx
--->  Attempting to fetch libcxx-3.6.0_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch libcxx-3.6.0_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from
--->  Installing libcxx @3.6.0_0
--->  Activating libcxx @3.6.0_0
--->  Cleaning libcxx
--->  Computing dependencies for ld64-latest
--->  Fetching archive for ld64-latest
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-latest-241.9_0+llvm33.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-latest-241.9_0+llvm33.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-latest-241.9_0+llvm33.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Fetching distfiles for ld64-latest
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Attempting to fetch ld64-241.9.tar.gz from
--->  Verifying checksums for ld64-latest                                            
--->  Extracting ld64-latest
--->  Applying patches to ld64-latest
--->  Configuring ld64-latest
--->  Building ld64-latest
--->  Staging ld64-latest into destroot
--->  Installing ld64-latest @241.9_0+llvm33
--->  Cleaning ld64-latest
--->  Computing dependencies for ld64-latest
--->  Deactivating ld64-latest @236.3_1+llvm33
--->  Cleaning ld64-latest
--->  Activating ld64-latest @241.9_0+llvm33
--->  Cleaning ld64-latest
--->  Computing dependencies for libgcc
--->  Fetching archive for libgcc
--->  Attempting to fetch libgcc-5.1.0_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch libgcc-5.1.0_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from
--->  Installing libgcc @5.1.0_0
--->  Cleaning libgcc
--->  Computing dependencies for libgcc
--->  Deactivating libgcc @4.9.2_1
--->  Cleaning libgcc
--->  Activating libgcc @5.1.0_0
--->  Cleaning libgcc
--->  Computing dependencies for samba3
--->  Fetching archive for samba3
--->  Attempting to fetch samba3-3.6.24_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch samba3-3.6.24_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from
--->  Installing samba3 @3.6.24_0
--->  Activating samba3 @3.6.24_0
--->  Cleaning samba3
--->  Computing dependencies for kde4-runtime
--->  Dependencies to be installed: virtuoso
--->  Activating virtuoso @7.1.0_2
--->  Cleaning virtuoso
--->  Fetching archive for kde4-runtime
--->  Attempting to fetch kde4-runtime- from
--->  Attempting to fetch kde4-runtime- from
--->  Attempting to fetch kde4-runtime- from
--->  Fetching distfiles for kde4-runtime
--->  Verifying checksums for kde4-runtime
--->  Extracting kde4-runtime
--->  Applying patches to kde4-runtime
--->  Configuring kde4-runtime
--->  Building kde4-runtime
--->  Staging kde4-runtime into destroot
--->  Installing kde4-runtime @
--->  Cleaning kde4-runtime
--->  Computing dependencies for kde4-runtime
--->  Deactivating kde4-runtime @4.14.3_0
--->  Cleaning kde4-runtime
--->  Activating kde4-runtime @

Don't forget that dbus needs to be started as the local user (not with sudo) before any KDE programs will launch.
To start it run the following command:
 launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist

--->  Cleaning kde4-runtime
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Fetching distfiles for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Verifying checksums for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Extracting kmymoney4-devel
--->  Applying patches to kmymoney4-devel
--->  Configuring kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel
Error: for port kmymoney4-devel returned: command execution failed
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port kmymoney4-devel failed

 ls -l ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/
-rw-------@ 1 pedrovaz  staff  51594 25 Abr 13:06 helpd_2015-04-24-083222_iMac.crash

And here's the content of the file:

Hope this helps.


Last edited 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@… (previous) (diff)

comment:21 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Can you please rerun

$ sudo port install kmymoney4-devel

and see whether a new crash log is created, please?!

I am puzzled, as this is helpd crashing, which is not a KDE application.

comment:22 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Replying to mk@…:

I've just updated this port to the latest "git master", as well as now used the correct "date" as its revision.

Please run again:

$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port upgrade outdated

I just saw the update, so I'll do it again.

sudo port selfupdate
--->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
MacPorts base version 2.3.3 installed,
MacPorts base version 2.3.3 downloaded.
--->  Updating the ports tree
--->  MacPorts base is already the latest version

The ports tree has been updated. To upgrade your installed ports, you should run
  port upgrade outdated

sudo port upgrade outdated
Nothing to upgrade.
sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
sudo port build kmymoney4-devel +docs
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Fetching distfiles for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Verifying checksums for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Extracting kmymoney4-devel
--->  Applying patches to kmymoney4-devel
--->  Configuring kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel
Error: for port kmymoney4-devel returned: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port kmymoney4-devel for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port kmymoney4-devel failed

And it failed again, as expected, but this time it did not create a Diagnostic Report entry.

ls -l ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/
total 104
-rw-------@ 1 pedrovaz  staff  51594 25 Abr 13:06 helpd_2015-04-24-083222_iMac.crash

Here are the contents of /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/main.log

comment:23 in reply to:  21 ; Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

I just made an update. Should I run this again?

Replying to mk@…:

Can you please rerun

$ sudo port install kmymoney4-devel

and see whether a new crash log is created, please?!

I am puzzled, as this is helpd crashing, which is not a KDE application.

comment:24 in reply to:  23 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Version: 2.3.3

Only now I see, that you were indeed building with +docs the last time, which must make it fail. That is GOOD NEWS! :-)

So, were you able to install this port with -docs or by simply skipping the variant?

BTW, I have updated port kmymoney4, which you could also try to install as an alternative, but I think that will fail as well, since I don't let it apply any patches ATM.

Last edited 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning) (previous) (diff)

comment:25 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Yes, I understood you wanted the output for debugging... Anyway, I ran the install without +doc but it didn't install anything,

sudo port clean  kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
iMac:Home pedrovaz$ sudo port build kmymoney4-devel
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Fetching distfiles for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Verifying checksums for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Extracting kmymoney4-devel
--->  Applying patches to kmymoney4-devel
--->  Configuring kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel

Couldn't find the executable and this returns nothing:

sudo port installed | grep kmy

comment:26 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Forget it... I ran install instead of build and it worked

comment:27 in reply to:  25 ; Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Replying to pedrojorgevaz@…:

Yes, I understood you wanted the output for debugging...


I peeked in your logs and it turns out, that the crash appears to reproduce (twice) for

:info:build /bin/sh: line 1: 21628 Segmentation fault: 11  /opt/local/bin/meinproc4 --stylesheet /opt/local/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-include-man.xsl --check /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/doc/man-kmymoney.1.docbook
:info:build make[2]: *** [doc/kmymoney.1] Error 139


:info:build /bin/sh: line 1: 21616 Segmentation fault: 11  /opt/local/bin/meinproc4 --check --cache /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/build/doc/index.cache.bz2 /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_kde_kmymoney4-devel/kmymoney4-devel/work/kmymoney/doc/index.docbook
:info:build make[2]: *** [doc/index.cache.bz2] Error 139

respectively in

OK, I'll ask for help at KDE-MAC. Stay tuned, please.

comment:28 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Ian brought up on KDE-MAC, that it could indeed be a concurrency problem of more than one meinproc4 running at the same time.

Please try to build now with only one core:

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel

Does that also fail?

comment:29 in reply to:  27 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Disregard the former versions of comment:29, as I misinterpreted the log.

You may want to follow this thread on KDE-MAC with Ian...

Last edited 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning) (previous) (diff)

comment:30 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Sorry for the late reply but I was on holidays. I am available to help you testing this, ok?

comment:31 in reply to:  30 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Replying to pedrojorgevaz@…:

Sorry for the late reply but I was on holidays. I am available to help you testing this, ok?

Yes, please, go forward and run the above command from comment:28 to verify that it builds fine with only one building thread.

comment:32 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Cc: pedrojorgevaz@… added

Cc Me!

comment:33 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Cc: pedrojorgevaz@… removed

Cc Me!

comment:34 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Cc: pedrojorgevaz@… added

Cc Me!

comment:35 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

Here it is:

Should I run a clean or uninstall before?

sudo port install kmymoney4-devel
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
--->  No broken files found.

comment:36 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Yes, please do

sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
sudo port build kmymoney4-devel

That's enough to test this.

Last edited 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning) (previous) (diff)

comment:37 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

sudo port upgrade outdated
Nothing to upgrade.
sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
sudo port install kmymoney4-devel
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
--->  No broken files found.                             
iMac:~ pedrovaz$ sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
iMac:~ pedrovaz$ sudo port upgrade outdated
Nothing to upgrade.
iMac:~ pedrovaz$ sudo port install kmymoney4-devel
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
--->  No broken files found.
iMac:~ pedrovaz$ sudo port build kmymoney4-devel
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Fetching distfiles for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Verifying checksums for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Extracting kmymoney4-devel
--->  Applying patches to kmymoney4-devel
--->  Configuring kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel

No errors. It worked :-)

comment:38 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Thanks for testing and providing feedback!

Stay tuned. We'll see what KDE-MAC folks suggest wrt next steps.

comment:39 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Can you please try this as well:

sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
sudo port build kmymoney4-devel +docs

(I completely forgot that variant docs isn't a default variant, so your above test was useless.)

comment:40 Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

why are these ports marked build.asroot?

comment:41 Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

and how do you get even the configure phase to complete, with both gwenhywfar4 and aqbanking5 (ports from svn) installing cmake files that refer to the libraries with their Unix names (lib*.so) ??

Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

Attachment: kmm4-docs-make.log added

comment:42 Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

So, no crashing for me.I do get validity errors, but I presume those are not related?

comment:43 Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

Maybe I'm not seeing crashes because the 2 meinproc4 instances do not actually execute in parallel - whether this is the case will depend in part on CPU and disk speed. It is also possible that something changed since kdelibs 4.14.3 : my kdelibs4 port directory is here:

I'll be attaching a patch that uses KLockFile to lock out other instances from executing in the same directory at the same time; the lock is closed/obtained just before the actual processing begins.

Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

comment:44 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

The commands from comment:39 failed...

sudo port clean kmymoney4-devel
--->  Cleaning kmymoney4-devel
sudo port build kmymoney4-devel +docs
--->  Computing dependencies for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Fetching distfiles for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Verifying checksums for kmymoney4-devel
--->  Extracting kmymoney4-devel
--->  Applying patches to kmymoney4-devel
--->  Configuring kmymoney4-devel
--->  Building kmymoney4-devel
Error: for port kmymoney4-devel returned: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port kmymoney4-devel for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port kmymoney4-devel failed

Log file:

BTW, what is the best way to share log files with you?

comment:45 in reply to:  44 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Replying to pedrojorgevaz@…:

The commands from comment:39 failed...

That's interesting and totally unexpected now! Hmmm...

BTW, what is the best way to share log files with you?

You should be able to attach files to this ticket on MacPort's trac directly using the "Attach file" button above.

comment:46 Changed 9 years ago by pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht)

Do we have data on which os/xcode versions meinproc4 crashes under? Does it go way back, ppc, 10.4?

comment:47 in reply to:  46 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Replying to pixilla@…:

Do we have data on which os/xcode versions meinproc4 crashes under? Does it go way back, ppc, 10.4?

In comment:7 vazspam mentions that it is 10.9.5. This is quite a lengthy thread already... ;)

comment:48 Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

Cc: rjvbertin@… added

Cc Me!

comment:49 Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

Sorry, I didn't realise that participating in a thread doesn't sign you up on here, so I missed the feedback to my patch (and yes, it's long ... had to scroll way back to get to that login button! :)).

OS X should have offered a crash reporter dialog, and even if not a crash log should have been created somewhere. Without that it's going to be hard to debug this when the crash doesn't occur reproducibly for everyone ...

comment:50 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

@rjvbertin: I did not see a crash report dialog but I might be able to reproduce the error. The thing is you'll have to explain exactly what you want me to do because I am not very good with these things :)

comment:51 Changed 9 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

First of all, peruse the info at which will explain how to use OS X's crash reporting features. Don't use the "Report" button though, because that'll only send the information to Apple. Simply copy/paste the backtrace in the crash dialog, either inline here if it's short enough, or through a file or pastebin service.

You did rebuild kdelibs4 with the patch I uploaded, I presume?

Another thought: the backtrace you get may not contain line numbers, which makes it (much) less useful. If that is the case, save it, and please try rebuilding kdelibs4 using

sudo port -n destroot kdelibs4 [+your+variants] configure.optflags="-g"
sudo port -nk upgrade --force kdelibs4 +[your+variants]

note the -k option which instructs MacPorts to leave the build directory in place, which is (usually) better for debugging purposes. Everything installed through port:kdelibs4 should now have debug information (i.e. if it's not stripped out afterwards) and provide useful backtraces in case of a crash.

There's a slight chance that I have not been able to reproduce your crash because I built kdelibs4 (and most other related ports I work on) with -g . That's why I instructed you to save the backtrace without line numbers.

comment:52 in reply to:  51 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Replying to rjvbertin@…:

You did rebuild kdelibs4 with the patch I uploaded, I presume?

I am pretty sure he did not. There was no need for it at that stage, as he was using the option to force sequential building for a start.

Vazspam, please correct me if I am wrong in my assumption here!

comment:53 Changed 9 years ago by pedrojorgevaz@…

I'm not sure... My comments have the commands that I've executed. In #comment:28 you did ask me to run with option and that's what I've done...

@rjvbertin, what are my variants? :-)

comment:54 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

I see. So, if you didn't get a crash-log here, with one execution thread only, *I* don't know how to tackle this further, except stunning the app through a debugger.

Version 0, edited 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning) (next)

comment:55 Changed 9 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I am closing this, as we couldn't find a way to tackle the debugging half a year ago.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.