Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #49629, comment 5

Nov 10, 2015, 10:30:21 AM (9 years ago)
RJVB (René Bertin)


  • Ticket #49629, comment 5

    initial v1  
    22> Since there are ports for multiple versions of qt, none of them should install commonly-named binaries or other files. Instead, [ticket:47294 there should be a qt_select port] to let you choose.
    4 My Qt ports do provide the data required for qt_select, but I've also submitted qtchooser which I think is preferable to `port select`. That's a port that will install qmake (and moc and uic and a bunch of other utilities) as a symlink to qtchooser-mp, which is itself a wrapper utility that proxies for any number of declared Qt installations. The port will declare the Qt 4 and/or 5 versions provided by MacPorts, and allows you to declare a default version.
     4My Qt ports do provide the data required for qt_select (doh, the referred ticket is mine :)), but I've also [ticket:46029 submitted qtchooser] which I think is preferable to `port select`. That's a port that will install qmake (and moc and uic and a bunch of other utilities) as a symlink to qtchooser-mp, which is itself a wrapper utility that proxies for any number of declared Qt installations. The port will declare the Qt 4 and/or 5 versions provided by MacPorts, and allows you to declare a default version.
    99- `qmake -qt=qt5-kde` will invoke the qmake binary from port:qt5-kde (shameless plug for a port I submitted)
    1010- `qmake -qt=my-own-Qt` will invoke the qmake binary from an environment "my-own-Qt" that you've declared yourself by calling `qtchooser-mp -install`
     13That said, my own Qt ports also install the symlinks qmake-qt4 and qmake-qt5 into ${prefix}/bin, which already decreases the need one might feel for installing additional ports.