Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #49764, comment 36

Oct 24, 2016, 6:33:17 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #49764, comment 36

    v2 v3  
    1 I am digging in as my skills allow. Doesn't help that ddd won't build for me, gdb is a bugger to use, and I can't seem to get it into Xcode to debug. So from a tool point of view, it's a bit mucky. The same executable gives a proper throw-catch on SL with the same libunwind, libcxxabi, and libcxx code (all versioned at 3.9.0), and the same libgcc (moved over).
     1I am digging in as my skills allow. Doesn't help that ddd won't build for me, gdb is a bugger to use, and I can't seem to get it into Xcode to debug. So from a tool point of view, it's a bit mucky. The same executable gives a proper throw-catch on SL with the same libunwind, libcxxabi, and libcxx code (all versioned at 3.9.0), and the same libgcc (10.6 version moved over to 10.5 as per the Leopard wiki).
    33So something about the way 10.5 is building it is the issue. pthreads, stack alignment..., stuff in the kernel..., differences in #include files... I wonder if I can diff libunwind from 10.5 and 10.6 and get a clue what might be different in these two files that way... or build libunwind for 10.5 on 10.6 and try using that binary...