Changes between Initial Version and Version 4 of Ticket #51996

Nov 4, 2016, 11:33:08 PM (8 years ago)
mojca (Mojca Miklavec)


  • Ticket #51996

    • Property Cc ryandesign@… raimue@… cal@… added
    • Property Owner changed from ryandesign@… to admin@…
    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Keywords buildbot added
  • Ticket #51996 – Description

    initial v4  
    1 It would be helpful to have a new buildbot factory to create [browser:trunk/base/portmgr/ReleaseProcess everything needed for a new release], other than messing up with svn (tagging, updating the docs, ...) and signing the archives.
     1It would be helpful to have a new buildbot factory to create [browser:macports-base/portmgr/ReleaseProcess everything needed for a new release], other than messing up with the repository (tagging, updating the docs, ...) and signing the archives.
    33Creating a new release is a bit problematic because it requires access to:
    55* payed developer account to sign the packages
    7 We cannot avoid the need to sign the packages (unless the server can do that automatically, but even then it might be a security concern), but we could use the existing infrastructure to compile the components of MacPorts on the target architecture and create the unsigned pkg/dmg files. Well, we would still need a virtual machine for Tiger and Leopard, but 6-7 (or more if we also count the libc++-based builds) could be catered for by the existing infrastructure.
     7We cannot avoid the need to sign the packages (unless the server can do that automatically, but even then it might be a security concern), but we could use the existing infrastructure to compile the components of MacPorts on the target architecture and create the unsigned pkg/dmg files. Well, we would still need a virtual machine for Tiger and Leopard, but 6-7 ~~(or more if we also count the libc++-based builds)~~ could be catered for by the existing infrastructure.