
Version 1 (modified by raimue (Rainer Müller), 9 years ago) (diff)


El Capitan Problems

General Issues

First of all, please read Migration.

Updating MacPorts Base

MacPorts must be re-installed in a version configured for OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

Ensure you have at least the command line tools installed by running xcode-select --install from a Terminal. Make sure to also run this even if you have Xcode installed, because some ports fail to build without it. You also have to run sudo xcodebuild -license after doing this.

Tickets for Broken Ports

FSF gcc48 fails to compile projects on El Capitan due to OS X SDK bug in Availability.h
emacs-mac-app @5.9: error: no type or protocol named 'WebFrameLoadDelegate'
phantomjs 2.0 fails to build on OS X 10.11 El Capitan
star @1.5.2: mkdir: /etc/default: Operation not permitted
HandBrakeCLI @0.10.0: error: invalid xcconfig: osx1011.x86_64
mongodb does not start after upgrade to El Capitan
Aquaterm 1.1.1 El Capitan build failure
zeroc-ice35: error: expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid'
Xcode 7.3 bug: __DATA/__thread_bss extends beyond end of file
cups-pdf mainly broken on El Capitan OS X 10.11
tuntaposx: kernel extensions have to be signed
Error: Processing of port netcdf-fortran failed
gmake @4.2.1: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime
osxfuse @3.6.3: use of undeclared identifiers 'VOL_CAP_FMT_NO_IMMUTABLE_FILES' 'VOL_CAP_FMT_NO_PERMISSIONS'
postgresql11-server @11.10 startupitem don't start
pngpaste: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NSBitmapImageFileTypeGIF'
wxMaxima @21.02.0: error: unknown type name 'nullptr_t'; did you mean 'std::nullptr_t'?
py27-sqlalchemy @1.4.1_0 broke buildbot-0.8
libgcc10 @ 10.3.0_0+universal.darwin_15.i386-x86_64: libgcc/libgcc2.c:1989:10: internal compiler error: Illegal instruction: 4 building mulxc3
optool @ 0.1_0+universal.darwin_15.i386-x86_64: synthesized property ('rule' | 'position') naming problems
ccache @ 4.4_0 error: static_assert failed "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter"
openjdk @ 11 – temurin renaming breaks (?) directory name convention
scrcpy @1.21: clang: error: unknown argument: '-flto-jobs=0'
openjdk17-openj9: crashing on El Captain
unison @ 2.51.5+aqua: There is no aqua GUI
openssh @8.9p1_3+gsskex+kerberos5+xauth.darwin_15.x86_64: Failed to patch openssh: command execution failed
arti @0.3.0: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_clock_gettime_nsec_np"
lens @6.1.14: Playwright does not support webkit on mac10.13
SendMIDI, ReceiveMIDI: The 10.14 SDK (Xcode 10.1+) is required to build JUCE apps
yubico-authenticator @5.1.0: says it requires macOS 10.13 or later on 10.11
blink @1.0.0: error: implicit declaration of function 'clock_gettime' is invalid in C99
emacs @29.1_1: does not work on Mac OS El Capitan 10.11.6
libfido2 @1.13.0: error: use of undeclared identifier 'id'
tatami, tatami-devel fail to build with clang on < 10.14: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "___kmpc_for_static_fini" etc.
btop broken on Catalina and below
tiledb @2.18.2 fails to build with clangs on Catalina and earlier
LimeChat broken on every macOS from Mojave down
dispenso fails to build on 10.10–10.11: error: no member named 'malloc' in the global namespace
folly fails on 10.11: error: no member named 'tcpi_txretransmitpackets' in 'tcp_connection_info'
smtube fails to display video previews if built with Qt4: SSL issue?
folly +tests needs a better fix for aligned_alloc on macOS <11; perhaps, switch to posix_memalign
rocksdb: clang builds fail on < 10.13: error: aligned allocation function of type 'void *(std::size_t, std::align_val_t)' is only available on macOS 10.13 or newer
rb*-unf_ext tries to link against libstdc++ on 10.7–10.12 with clang
rizin fails to build on 10.12 and below: error: too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation; error: use of undeclared identifier 'POSIX_SPAWN_CLOEXEC_DEFAULT'
lpython needs filesystem on < 10.15 when Clang is used
onetbb @2021.11.0: error: no viable conversion
R-quanteda now fails on 10.12 and earlier with libc++: error: aligned deallocation function of type 'void (void *, std::align_val_t) noexcept' is only available on macOS 10.13 or newer
rb30-nokogiri, rb31-nokogiri, rb32-nokogiri, rb33-nokogiri @1.16.4: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

cups-pdf sandbox issues in yosemite
grace: xmgrace crashes with SIGSYS in yosemite
Failed to Install SoXt on Yosemite
cedet @1.1 fails to build on OS X Yosemite
Yosemite 10.10 Glade requirements not met
Cannot install gnu prolog (gprolog) on Yosemite
p5-text-kakasi, p5-text-chasen: fails to install on Yosemite
octave-parallel-2.0.5 Configure failure on Yosemite
ocaml-lacaml 7.0.13 build failure owing to changed framework on yosemite 10.10
Internal compiler error (gcc-5.1.0) when using math.h on Yosemite
qyoto @ 4.14.3: fails to build on Yosemite
Error: Failed to install p5.22-html-parser on Yosemite