
Version 42 (modified by mkae (Marko Käning), 10 years ago) (diff)


Current status of setting up the CI system

This page shall describe what has to be done to get a KDE/CI system up and running on OSX. Partially this is achieved by using a few port from MacPorts.

Start with a fresh Mavericks/MacPorts install

Currently using the official MacPorts version 2.3.0 is recommended. To be on the safe side make sure your disk has about 60G space in total.

However, currently a Mavericks 10.9.2 KDE/CI system on an i7-iMac uses something like this:

$ df -h /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2     64G   33G   31G  52% /

that is after all frameworks have been built and installed as shown further down.

Getting a MacPorts-compatible bash environment

Install ports for MacPorts' bash

$ sudo port install bash bash-completion

and set up the bash environment for MacPorts use regarding search paths (PATH, MANPATH)

Apple developer tools


  • Xcode from AppStore (and agree actively to the developer license agreement)
  • developer command line tools
    $ xcode-select --install

Tools already present on OSX

Some tools are already installed on OSX due to Xcode (like git, svn, ssh, rsync, make, clang etc.) they don't need to be installed via MacPorts for now. Should a more up-to-date version of any one of these be necessary for the CI system it could be added later.

Some more software supplied by MacPorts

Install ports needed for the CI scripts as well as KF5:

$ sudo port install py27-lxml bazaar mercurial wget automake autoconf cppcheck shared-mime-info docbook docbook-xsl

Installing bazaar brings the also needed port gnutar into the system!

Basic setup of CI system

Create some folders, clone and update CI system (assuming a user "kdeci" with its home directory "/Users/kdeci"):

$ cd
$ mkdir -p WC/KDECI-build;
$ cd WC
$ git clone git://
$ cd build-kde-org
$ git checkout production
$ ./                    # Ignore 404 occurring due to error cloning ECMA262 by hg

The update shell script created a folder ~/scripts in which subsequent commands will have to be executed.

1st step: Qt5 build

Prepare environment for Qt5 build

Install additional ports specific for Qt5, set correct path to KDE-install directory in config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg:

$ sudo port install zlib openssl dbus jpeg tiff libmng libpng mysql55 pkgconfig sqlite2
$ sudo port uninstall cmake            # Remove MacPorts' cmake (which came into the system as build-dependency for mysql55)
$ cd ~/scripts
$ cat config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg

$ python2.7 tools/ --project qt5 --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources ~/WC/KDECI-build/qt5

Set up build environment for Qt5

Make sure all libs can be found by adding search paths and avoid inclusion of MacPorts' glib2:

$ cd ~/scripts; cat config/build/qt5/darwin-mavericks.cfg
configureCommand=%(configureExecutable)s -release -system-zlib -system-libpng -system-libjpeg -system-sqlite -dbus -plugin-sql-mysql -nomake examples -confirm-license -opensource -prefix {instPrefix} -no-framework -v -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib -no-glib

Consider here the use of options "-debug -separate-debug-info" instead of "-release".

Include MySQL's binary path into PATH e.g. in .macports/profile (assuming /opt/local as MacPort's prefix):

export PATH=/opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin:$PATH

Set up SSH for rsync access to build host, then start building Qt5:

$ cat ~/.ssh/config 
   Port 2022
$ ssh-keygen -C YOUR@EMAIL.ADDRESS       # <-- send your public SSH key to Ben Cooksley in order to get access to the build server
$ python2.7 tools/ --project qt5 --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources ~/WC/KDECI-build/qt5

Installation of cmake

Cmake needs a manual checkout of its sources:

$ python2.7 tools/ --project cmake --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources ~/WC/KDECI-build/cmake
$ git clone git:// ~/WC/KDECI-build/cmake
$ python2.7 tools/ --project cmake --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources ~/WC/KDECI-build/cmake

Keeping build environment up-to-date

For KF5 one has to modify the configuration settings by commenting out the kauth dependency on polkit-qt-1, since that dependency is only needed on Linux:

$ cd ~/scripts
$ ./
$ vi config/base/kf5-qt5 
$ grep kauth config/base/kf5-qt5
#frameworks/kauth: kdesupport/polkit-qt-1

Problems appeared for some frameworks since doesn't yet get installed on OSX (the build scripts error out with "/Applications/KDE/ as location is wrong"). This can be fixed for now introducing a temporary configuration file for kconfig:

$ cat ~/scripts/config/build/kconfig/darwin-mavericks.cfg 

which makes sure that the application bundle gets installed below PREFIX/lib/libexec/.

In order to always have the latest KDE/CI running it makes sense to temporally stash away the changes made locally and upgrade via git

$ # Check what has changed locally:
$ git diff
diff --git a/config/base/kf5-qt5 b/config/base/kf5-qt5
index 16abdf6..fff9647 100644
--- a/config/base/kf5-qt5
+++ b/config/base/kf5-qt5
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ general/vc: -qt5
 general/shared-desktop-ontologies: -qt5
 # KDE Frameworks
-frameworks/kauth: kdesupport/polkit-qt-1
+#frameworks/kauth: kdesupport/polkit-qt-1
 kde/*: general/kdesupport-svn
 kde/workspace/plasma-workspace: general/libdbusmenu-qt
diff --git a/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg b/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg
index cb62c49..0648464 100644
--- a/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg
+++ b/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+configurePlatformArgs=-DCMAKE_INSTALL_BUNDLEDIR="Applications/KF5" -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR="Library/Application Support"
\ No newline at end of file
$ git status
On branch production
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/production'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   config/base/kf5-qt5
	modified:   config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
$ # Updating CI scripts
$ cd ~/scripts; git stash; git pull; git stash pop

Installation of other projects and KDE frameworks

The various frameworks have to be handled by replacing "PROJECT" with the framework's project name:

$ python2.7 tools/ --project PROJECT --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources ~/WC/KDECI-build/PROJECT
$ python2.7 tools/ --project PROJECT --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources ~/WC/KDECI-build/PROJECT

or alternatively by using scripts from our MacPorts/KDE git repository


where takes care of creating the build directory if it is not yet existing. This is only needed when building a project manually, otherwise done by the jenkins slave. Alternatively one can combine both of these steps using:


In order to be able to build KF5 frameworks of tier 3 it is - as a temporary workaround - necessary to copy kdoctools' files from its install directory to where framework builds can find them (i.e. below "/Library/Application Support"):

$ sudo cp -Rp /opt/kde/install/darwin/mavericks/clang/kf5-qt5/frameworks/kdoctools/inst/Library/Application\ Support/kf5 /Library/Application\ Support

KF5 builds have been successfully done so far for:

Additional cmake dependency:
 - extra-cmake-modules

Tier1 frameworks (COMPLETE):
 - attica
 - kapidox
 - karchive
 - kcodecs
 - kconfig
 - kcoreaddons
 - kdbusaddons
 - kdnssd
 - { kglobalaccel }
 - kguiaddons
 - ki18n
 - kidletime
 - kimageformats
 - kitemmodels
 - kitemviews
 - kplotting
 - kwidgetsaddons
 - { kwindowsystem }
 - solid
 - sonnet
 - threadweaver

Tier2 frameworks (COMPLETE):
 - kauth
 - kcompletion
 - kcrash
 - kdoctools
 - kjobwidgets
 - kpty
 - kunitconversion

Tier3 frameworks (IN THE WORKS):
 - kconfigwidgets
 - kservice
 - kiconthemes
 - ktextwidgets

Porting aids:
 - kjs

Still to be done:

 - kactivities
 - kbookmarks
 - kcmutils
 - kdeclarative
 - kded
 - kdesignerplugin
 - kdesu
 - kdewebkit
 - kemoticons
 - kinit
 - kio
 - kmediaplayer
 - knewstuff
 - knotifications
 - knotifyconfig
 - kparts
 - ktexteditor
 - kwallet
 - kxmlgui
 - { plasma }

Porting aids:
 - kdelibs4support
 - khtml
 - kjsembed (kdoctools can't find its catalogs)
 - kmediaplayer
 - krunner
 - kross

Curly brackets in the above lists mark frameworks not needed on MacOSX, since plasma won't be running for now.

Having the very compact Gentoo's Project:KDE/Frameworks wiki page around turned out to be very helpful while building the above KDE frameworks manually. More info is found on KDE's official API page and the above lists have been aligned with it. Nice dependency graphs for every framework can be found there by clicking the "Dependencies" link on each frameworks page, some more (overview) graphs are here.