Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of NewHelpSystem

Apr 8, 2009, 12:44:05 AM (15 years ago)
raimue (Rainer Müller)



  • NewHelpSystem

    v2 v3  
    1515As previous calls for participation to enhance `port help` went unheard, I am now proposing a different system inspired by git. The documentation will be available as man pages, therefore `port help <topic>` will become an alias of `man port-<topic>`. This means it can be easily accessed from the command line. Once the man pages are also available online, a new switch `port help --web <topic>` could open the requested topic in the browser instead for users preferring websites over man pages.
    17 Man pages will at least exist for all port commands, which will go into the man1 category. Splitting out certain topics from the current port(1) into their own man page to provide more details and examples will be considered, these will go into the man7 category.
     17Man pages will at least exist for all port commands, which will go into the man1 category. Some similar port commands should be covered by the same man page, such as activate/deactivate, archive/unarchive, etc. Splitting out certain topics from the current port(1) into their own man page to provide more details and examples will be considered, these will go into the man7 category.
    1919== Changes for base developers == #developers