= Google Summer of Code, 2007 = This is the main tracking page for MacPorts/Google Summer of Code 2007. == Status == MacPorts is currently in the process of applying for [http://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-announce/web/gsoc-mentor-organization-application-how-to "organizational acceptance"] by Google for Summer of Code 2007. == Mentors == The following committers have agreed to be mentors for SoC: * James Berry (base, general, ports) == Ideas == * Porting of additional packages to MacPorts * Implement support for richer dependencies, including dependencies on versions and, potentially, variants * Improve python group code * Cleanup and/or remove obsolete ports * Finish the work Paul Guyot started with the trace code and create real "virtual chroot" environments for building ports, constraining what their configure scripts can see and validating that their explicit dependencies are correct and fully-formed. * Working in concert (or cooperatively) with whomever does (virtual chroot), get package building working all the way to a point where complete package builds can be done for all of MacPorts and the results made available to users as pre-build package collections. * Come up with a front-end for installing packages (or building ports, where no package exists) for naive end-users. * Take what Will started with the notion of a depot location vs an installed location (e.g. /opt/local/var/db/dports/software/gawk/3.1.5_2/opt/local/bin/gawk vs /opt/local/bin/gawk) and finish the job, making depot-to-depot dependencies finally work. That is to say that if port foo depends on version 1.2.3 of port bar, it should be compiled and linked in such a way that it's wired to the depot location of bar, not the "activated" location. That will finally fix the fragility problem where deactivating port bar vers n-1 in order to install port bar vers n (because other things depend on n) won't also require breaking everything that relies on n-1. * Sweep through all Portfiles and look for useful opportunities to add more built-in Tcl functions that make Portfiles more (usefully) terse, powerful, flexible or easier to write. I'm sure there is an entirely family of helper functions yet to be written here. * Improve macports documentation * Improve macports website