Ticket #8221: upgrade-variants-man.diff

File upgrade-variants-man.diff, 762 bytes (added by jmroot (Joshua Root), 16 years ago)

updated man page section of the patch

  • doc/port.1

    362362For example:
    364364.Dl "port -n upgrade wireshark"
     366Note that in selecting the variants to use in the upgraded build of the
     367port, any variants specified on the command line take highest precedence,
     368then the variants active in the latest installed version of the port, and
     369finally the global variants specified in variants.conf, if any.  Note that
     370upgrade will not normally rebuild a port only to change the selected
     371variants; you can either specify -f, or deactivate the port and reinstall it
     372with different variants.
    365373.Ss clean
    366374Clean the files used for building
    367375.Ar portname .