#!@TCLSH@ # # $Id: upgrade_sources_conf_default.tcl.in 118559 2014-04-04 22:02:44Z cal@macports.org $ # # Upgrade sources.conf for a given prefix (passed as the first and only # argument). # # For an rsync: repository, if it is the standard MacPorts one and not # already tagged, then make it default, if another wasn't already default. # For a file:// respository, if it is an svn checkout from the MacPorts # server, then make it default if another hasn't already been tagged. # if {[llength $::argv] == 0} { puts "Usage: ${::argv0} " exit 1 } set prefix [lindex $::argv 0] set sourcesConf ${prefix}/etc/macports/sources.conf if {[catch {set sourcesConfChannel [open $sourcesConf r]}]} { exit 0 } if {[file executable /usr/bin/mktemp]} { set mktemp /usr/bin/mktemp } elseif {[file executable /bin/mktemp]} { set mktemp /bin/mktemp } else { set mktemp mktemp } set mktempChannel [open "|$mktemp -t macports_sources_upgrade.XXXXXXXXXX" r] set tempfile [read -nonewline $mktempChannel] close $mktempChannel set tempfileChannel [open $tempfile w] set defaultSeen false set defaultWritten false while {[gets $sourcesConfChannel line] >= 0} { set addDefault false if {!$defaultSeen && ![regexp {^\s*#|^$} $line]} { if {[regexp {^([\w-]+://\S+)(?:\s+\[(\w+(?:,\w+)*)\])?$} $line -> url flags]} { set flags [split $flags ,] if {[lsearch $flags default] >= 0} { set defaultSeen true } elseif {[regexp {rsync://rsync\.(macports|darwinports)\.org/(release|dpupdate)/d?ports} $url]} { set addDefault true } elseif {[regexp {file://(/.+)} $url -> filepath]} { if {[file exists [file join ${filepath} .svn]]} { if {![info exists svnCmd]} { set svnCmd "" foreach path [concat [list ${prefix}/bin] [split $env(PATH) :]] { if {[file executable ${path}/svn]} { set svnCmd ${path}/svn break } } } if {$svnCmd eq ""} { puts "WARNING: Unable to check svn URL for '$filepath' because no svn command could be found; please manually verify $sourcesConf!" continue } if {![catch {set svnChannel [open "|$svnCmd info ${filepath}" r]} err]} { set svnURL {} while {[gets $svnChannel svnLine] >= 0} { regexp {^URL: (.*)} $svnLine -> svnURL } if {[catch {close $svnChannel} err]} { puts $err puts "WARNING: Unable to check svn URL for '$filepath'; please manually verify $sourcesConf!" } if {[regexp {^https?://svn\.(macports|macosforge)\.org/repository/macports/trunk/dports} $svnURL]} { set addDefault true } } else { puts $err puts "WARNING: Unable to check svn URL for '$filepath'; please manually verify $sourcesConf!" } } } if {$addDefault} { lappend flags default set line "$url \[[join $flags ,]\]" set defaultSeen true set defaultWritten true } } } puts $tempfileChannel $line } close $tempfileChannel close $sourcesConfChannel if {$defaultWritten} { set attributes [file attributes ${sourcesConf}] if {[catch {file rename ${sourcesConf} "${sourcesConf}.mpsaved"}]} { file rename -force ${sourcesConf} "${sourcesConf}.mpsaved_[clock seconds]" } file rename ${tempfile} ${sourcesConf} eval file attributes ${sourcesConf} $attributes } else { file delete ${tempfile} if {!$defaultSeen} { puts "[string repeat - 72] Warning, your source config file at: $sourcesConf needs to have a \[default\] tag added to the primary MacPorts repository, however the proper entry could not be determined. Please add the tag manually by either appending \[default\] to the end of the correct line, or if there are already tags, adding it to the list, e.g. \[nosync,default\]. [string repeat - 72]" } } exit 0