OBJS= libmachista.o hashmap.o machista_wrap.o SHLIB_NAME= machista${SHLIB_SUFFIX} INSTALLDIR= ${DESTDIR}${datadir}/macports/Tcl/machista1.0 SWIG = @SWIG@ SWIG_FLAGS = -tcl8 -pkgversion 1.0 -namespace SWIG_LDFLAGS = -ltcl SWIG_IFACE = machista.i SWIG_SRCS = ${SWIG_IFACE:%.i=%_wrap.c} SWIG_OBJS = ${SWIG_SRCS:%.c=%.o} TESTS = ./tests/libmachista-test include ../../Mk/macports.autoconf.mk include ../../Mk/macports.tea.mk CFLAGS+= -fPIC ${SWIG_SRCS}:: ${SWIG_IFACE} ifdef SWIG ${SWIG} ${SWIG_FLAGS} $< else @echo "Building ${SWIG_SRCS} requires swig, which you apparently did not have installed when configuring MacPorts." >&2 @echo "Please install swig and re-run configure" >&2 @echo "I recommend installing SWIG 1.x in /opt/swig, because as of this writing SWIG 2.x-generated code does not compile warning-free" >&2 @echo "To use this SWIG, run configure as follows:" >&2 @echo " SWIG=/opt/swig/bin/swig ./configure --your-usual-config-flags" >&2 @echo "If you checked out from svn you can also run svn revert in base/src/machista1.0 to get rid of this error" >&2 @exit 1 endif ${SWIG_OBJS}:: ${SWIG_SRCS} ${PKG_INDEX}:: ${SWIG_SHLIB} $(SILENT) ../pkg_mkindex.sh $< || ( rm -rf $@ && exit 1 ) clean:: rm -f ${SWIG_OBJS} ${PKG_INDEX} rm -f ${TESTS} rm -rf ${TESTS:%=%.dSYM} distclean:: rm -f Makefile test:: ${TESTS} ${TESTS} tests/libmachista-test: tests/libmachista-test.c libmachista.h libmachista.o hashmap.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D_POSIX_SOURCE -o $@ -I. $< libmachista.o hashmap.o