# Set the directory in which to install ports prefix @prefix_expanded@ # Where to store DarwinPorts working data portdbpath @localstatedir_expanded@/db/dports # Type of storage to use for the port registry information, "flat" or "sqlite" # NOTE: sqlite not yet supported. portdbformat flat # Type of installation to do for ports, "direct" or "image". See ports.conf(5) and online documentation. portinstalltype image # Directory containing the X11 installation. x11prefix /usr/X11R6 # Where to find the sources list. sources_conf @PORTCONFIGDIR_EXPANDED@/sources.conf # Where to find global variants definition file (optional) variants_conf @PORTCONFIGDIR_EXPANDED@/variants.conf # Create and use binary archive packages for installation/reinstallation ease portarchivemode yes # Where to store/retrieve ports binary archive files portarchivepath @localstatedir_expanded@/db/dports/packages # Type of binary archive packages to create when using archive mode # # Note: Multiple types ARE allowed and must be a colon or comma # separated list of choices (NO spaces). Use of multiple types will # cause archive creation to build all the specified types in one step. # Unarchive uses multiple types as a search list to locate the archive, # first archive to match one of the specified types in order is used. # # Supported types: tgz (default), tar, tbz2, xar, zip, cpgz, cpio portarchivetype tgz # Set whether to automatically execute "clean" after "install" of ports portautoclean yes # Rsync server to use rsync_server rsync.darwinports.org # Rsync directory from which to pull the base/ component (infrastructure) of DP rsync_dir dpupdate1/base/ # Rsync options rsync_options "-rtzv --delete --delete-after" # Options for generated startup items # startupitem_type may be "default", "systemstarter", or "launchd"; # if the option is empty or "default" then a startupitem type appropriate # to the platform will be chosen. Tiger will default to launchd, while # older Mac OS X systems will default to systemstarter. startupitem_type default # Extra environment variables to keep. Any variables listed here are added # to the list of variables that are not removed from the environment used # while processing ports # extra_env KEEP_THIS THIS_TOO