# $Id: Portfile,v 1.1 2006/04/28 21:15:24 yves Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name gnustep-make version 1.12.0 revision 1 categories gnustep devel cross platforms darwin maintainers yves@opendarwin.org description GNUstep makefile package long_description \ The GNUstep makefile package is a simple, powerful and extensible way to \ write makefiles for a GNUstep-based project. It allows the user to \ write a project without having to deal with the complex issues \ associated with configuration, building, installation, and packaging. \ It also allows the user to easily create cross-compiled binaries. master_sites gnustep:core/ checksums md5 1883a6387405e51ff4c384fb5cc547a7 depends_lib port:gcc41 patchfiles patch-GNUmakefile.in \ patch-documentation.make \ patch-palette.make \ patch-target.make configure.pre_args --prefix=${prefix}/GNUstep configure.args \ --with-library-combo=gnu-gnu-gnu CC=gcc-dp-4.1 \ --with-config-file=${prefix}/GNUstep/System/Library/GNUstep.conf destroot.destdir special_prefix=${destroot} destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/GNUstep/Local post-install { ui_msg "\n\n\ To have a fully working GNUstep make system, please add \n\ '. ${prefix}/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh' \n\ to your shell login (in ~/.profile) \n\ You may also want to set up your MANPATH and INFOPATH : \n\ export MANPATH=\$GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT/Library/Documentation/man:\$GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT/Library/Documentation/man:${prefix}/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/X11R6/man \n\ export INFOPATH=\$GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT/Library/Documentation/info:\$GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT/Library/Documentation/info:${prefix}/share/info:/usr/share/info \n\n" if { ! [file exists ${prefix}/share/darwinports/resources/port1.0/group/gnustep-1.0.tcl] } { ui_msg "\n\n\ Other gnustep ports use the gnustep PortGroup \n\ which is only available through cvs (or cvs-snapshot) for the moment \n\ See http://darwinports.opendarwin.org/getdp/ \n\ for further instructions \n\n" } }