# $Id: Portfile 20293 2006-11-01 17:47:33Z blair@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python24 1.0 name spe version 0.8.2.a categories editors python platforms darwin maintainers phw@opendarwin.org description spe - Stani's Python Editor long_description spe - Stani's Python Editor \ Free Python IDE with Blender, Kiki, PyChecker, \ Remote Debugger, Uml and wxGlade support. homepage http://www.stani.be/python/spe/blog/ master_sites http://download.berlios.de/python/ distname SPE-${version}-wx2.6.1.0 checksums md5 d5d5a55414aa2410ac430f7e79b271e5 depends_lib-append port:py-wxpython patch { reinplace "s|python|pythonw2.4|1" ${worksrcpath}/spe } post-destroot { file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/spe_wininst.py }