# $Id: Portfile 20306 2006-11-01 21:19:33Z blair@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name zenity version 2.16.1 description zenity allows you to display dialog boxes from the commandline. long_description This is zenity - a rewrite of gdialog, the GNOME port \ of dialog which allows you to display dialog boxes \ from the commandline and shell scripts. maintainers macports-dev@lists.macosforge.org categories gnome platforms darwin homepage http://www.gnome.org/ master_sites gnome:sources/zenity/2.16/ checksums md5 fd8748d1456a8dd74f9f1513b9aaea7d \ sha1 1f796a800ad2d3782c906bc354aa6426c035525a \ rmd160 6d502235180dcb8a553326ec9c6cf7124fbe551e depends_lib \ lib:libgnomeui-2:libgnomeui \ port:gnome-doc-utils use_bzip2 yes configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --disable-scrollkeeper configure.env CPPFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib -I${prefix}/include" post-activate { system "scrollkeeper-update" }