# $Id: Portfile 20490 2006-11-03 15:42:50Z blair@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name lynx version 2.8.5rel.2 categories www maintainers toby@opendarwin.org description Text-based web browser long_description \ lynx is a program which allows a user to access World-Wide Web servers \ and other information servers. It uses only ascii representation so \ that it can be used from ascii-terminals and dial-in lines. homepage http://lynx.isc.org/ set major_version [strsed ${version} {s/rel\.[0-9]*$//}] set dash_version [strsed ${major_version} {g/[.]/-/}] distname ${name}${major_version} use_bzip2 yes patchfiles ${version}.patch.gz \ patch-configure master_sites http://lynx.isc.org/${distname}/ patch_sites [strsed ${master_sites} g/$/patches\//] checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} md5 d1e5134e5d175f913c16cb6768bc30eb \ ${version}.patch.gz md5 16840d095311814751684c99dc201740 worksrcdir ${name}${dash_version} patch.pre_args -p1 configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man variant ssl { depends_lib-append lib:libssl.0.9:openssl configure.args-append --with-ssl }