# $Id: Portfile 22322 2007-02-26 08:07:53Z pipping@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name grep version 2.5.1 platforms darwin categories sysutils maintainers waqar@macports.org description GNU grep, the \"fastest grep in the west\" (we hope). long_description \ Grep searches one or more input files for lines containing a match \ to a specified pattern. By default, grep prints the matching lines. homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/grep/grep.html platforms darwin master_sites gnu checksums md5 85df024edc9f9689035f6b3de28c7731 configure.args --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man configure.env CPPFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib" depends_lib port:gettext port:libiconv if {[llength [info commands configure.universal_ldflags-append]] > 0} { configure.universal_ldflags-append -L${prefix}/lib } else { variant universal { return -code error "You need to be running MacPorts 1.4.0 or higher to \ use this variant (universal)." } }