# $Id: Portfile 25441 2007-05-22 05:39:53Z takanori@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name ghostscript version 8.54 homepage http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/ description AFPL Ghostscript, An interpreter for PostScript and PDF categories print platforms darwin maintainers digdog@macports.org long_description Ghostscript is the well-known PostScript interpreter which \ is available for all common and most esoteric platforms and \ supports many different printers and some displays. Versions \ entitled "AFPL Ghostscript" are distributed with a licence \ different from the GPL. master_sites sourceforge:${name}:source \ sourceforge:gs-fonts:fonts distfiles ${distname}.tar.gz:source \ ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz:fonts \ ghostscript-fonts-other-6.0.tar.gz:fonts checksums ${distname}.tar.gz md5 022c1f716b97da55bf06796466e913d5 \ ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz md5 6865682b095f8c4500c54b285ff05ef6 \ ghostscript-fonts-other-6.0.tar.gz md5 1a643ae62ef166562e4d422b1a601272 # MacPorts 1.4.1 or higher adds -I${prefix}/include and -L${prefix}/lib flags to the configure by default. # This change may break building ghostscript. Here is a workaround to avoid this issue. configure.cppflags {} configure.ldflags {} build.target destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}/${prefix} post-destroot { file copy ${workpath}/fonts ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/ghostscript } # Added variant that build the Ghostscript framework. (Thanks, Sal!) variant gslib { post-patch { cd ${workpath}/${name}-${version} reinplace "s|/Library/Frameworks|${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks|" \ src/macosx.mak } post-build { cd ${workpath}/${name}-${version} file rename Makefile Makefile.CONFIGURE file link Makefile src/macosx.mak system "make framework" file delete Makefile file rename Makefile.CONFIGURE Makefile } post-destroot { cd ${workpath}/${name}-${version} xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks file rename Makefile Makefile.CONFIGURE file link Makefile src/macosx.mak system "make framework_install" file delete Makefile file rename Makefile.CONFIGURE Makefile } }