# $Id: Portfile 26030 2007-06-09 20:38:46Z ryandesign@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name boost version 1.34.0 categories devel maintainers sanchom@gmail.com description Collection of portable C++ source libraries long_description Boost provides free portable peer-reviewed C++ \ libraries. The emphasis is on portable libraries \ which work well with the C++ Standard Library. homepage http://www.boost.org master_sites sourceforge distname ${name}_[strsed ${version} {g/[.]/_/}] use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 ed5b9291ffad776f8757a916e1726ad0 platforms darwin depends_build bin:bjam:boost-jam platform darwin { post-destroot { cd ${destroot}${prefix}/lib # get the library version as it shows up in the library names: # eg. 1_34 set libver [join [lrange [split ${version} {.}] 0 1] {_}] # ensure the identification name of the dynamic libraries agree # with their final destination path (not the destroot path that # they've just been installed to) foreach lib [glob *-${libver}.dylib] { system "install_name_tool -id ${prefix}/lib/${lib} ${lib}" } # create relative symbolic links to the versioned libraries (.dylib only; # .a were built with unversioned extensions that are duplicate files of the # versioned extensions... handled next) foreach lib [glob *-${libver}.dylib] { set libname [join [lrange [split [file rootname ${lib}] {-}] 0 end-1] {-}] set libext [file extension ${lib}] set liblink "${libname}${libext}" if {![catch {set libtype [file type ${liblink}]}]} { if {${libtype} == "link"} { file delete -force ${liblink} } } system "ln -s ${lib} ${liblink}" } # change the duplicated non-version-named .a libraries to # symbolic links to the version-named .a libraries foreach lib [glob *-${libver}.a] { set libname [join [lrange [split [file rootname ${lib}] {-}] 0 end-1] {-}] set libext [file extension ${lib}] set liblink "${libname}${libext}" # if this file is around, it is a duplicate, delete it if {[file exists ${liblink}]} { file delete -force ${liblink} } # add a symbolic link instead system "ln -s ${lib} ${liblink}" } } } destroot.args PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} EPREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} \ LIBDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/lib INCLUDEDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/include \ install configure.args --without-libraries=python variant python { set pyversion 2.4 depends_lib lib:libpython${pyversion}:python[strsed ${pyversion} {g/[.]//}] configure.args-delete --without-libraries=python }