# $Id: Portfile 26748 2007-07-05 21:50:41Z ryandesign@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name mysql5 version 5.0.41 homepage http://www.mysql.com/ categories databases platforms darwin maintainers ryandesign distname mysql-${version} description \ Multithreaded SQL database server long_description \ MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database \ with a command syntax very similar to mSQL. master_sites \ http://mysql.mirrors.pair.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/ \ http://mysql.he.net/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/ \ http://mysql.orst.edu/Downloads/MySQL-5.0 \ http://mysql.oss.eznetsols.org/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/ \ http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/ \ http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/ \ http://ftp.plusline.de/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/ checksums \ md5 b45cd6c89e35dfc1cdbe1a1f782aefbf \ sha1 cc2a119c9e07173fce6d78fc87d96c6102eeab36 depends_lib \ port:zlib \ port:openssl patchfiles \ patch-mysys-base64.c set dbdir ${prefix}/var/db/${name} set mysqluser mysql configure.args \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \ --localstatedir=${dbdir} \ --libdir=${prefix}/lib/${name} \ --bindir=${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin \ --includedir=${prefix}/include/${name} \ --datadir=${prefix}/share/${name} \ --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/${name} \ --with-zlib-dir=${prefix} \ --with-openssl=${prefix} \ --with-extra-charsets=complex \ --with-unix-socket-path=${prefix}/var/run/${name}/mysqld.sock \ --with-mysqld-user=${mysqluser} \ --without-bench \ --enable-thread-safe-client platform darwin 8 { configure.env \ CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 CPP=/usr/bin/cpp-4.0 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.0 } variant server { # Create a startupitem to start/stop the server startupitem.create yes startupitem.start "${prefix}/share/mysql5/mysql/mysql.server start" startupitem.stop "${prefix}/share/mysql5/mysql/mysql.server stop" } pre-destroot { # Some directories we must have in all cases xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} destroot.keepdirs-append ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} # Setup only for server if { [variant_isset server] } { addgroup ${mysqluser} set gid [existsgroup ${mysqluser}] adduser ${mysqluser} gid=${gid} realname=MySQL\ Server # Some directories we must have only if we're running as a server xinstall -m 755 -o root -d ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run xinstall -m 755 -o ${mysqluser} -g ${mysqluser} -d \ ${destroot}${dbdir} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/${name} destroot.keepdirs-append \ ${destroot}${dbdir} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/${name} } } post-destroot { delete ${destroot}${prefix}/mysql-test # Symlink mysql binaries into bin directory, with a 5 appended to the name cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin foreach f [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin my*] { ln -sf ../lib/${name}/bin/${f} ${f}5 } } post-install { if { [variant_isset server] } { ui_msg "******************************************************" ui_msg "* In order to setup the database, you might want to run" ui_msg "* sudo -u ${mysqluser} mysql_install_db5" ui_msg "* if this is a new install" ui_msg "******************************************************" } } livecheck.check regex livecheck.url http://dev.mysql.com/ livecheck.regex "Generally Available (\[0-9\.\]+)"