#catch {source \ # [file join "/Library/Tcl" macports1.0 macports_fastload.tcl]} #Trying my own MacPorts build rather than default one on the system catch {source \ [file join "/Users/Armahg/macportsbuild/build1/Library/Tcl" macports1.0 macports_fastload.tcl]} package require macports # ui_options accessor proc ui_isset {val} { global ui_options if {[info exists ui_options($val)]} { if {$ui_options($val) == "yes"} { return 1 } } return 0 } # UI Callback proc ui_prefix {priority} { switch $priority { debug { return "DEBUG: " } error { return "Error: " } warn { return "Warning: " } default { return "" } } } proc ui_channels {priority} { global logfd switch $priority { debug { if {[ui_isset ports_debug]} { return {stderr} } else { return {} } } info { if {[ui_isset ports_verbose]} { return {stdout} } else { return {} } } msg { if {[ui_isset ports_quiet]} { return {} } else { return {stdout} } } error { return {stderr} } default { return {stdout} } } } # Initialize dport # This must be done following parse of global options, as some options are # evaluated by dportinit. if {[catch {mportinit ui_options global_options global_variations} result]} { global errorInfo puts "$errorInfo" fatal "Failed to initialize ports system, $result" }