# $Id: Portfile 44729 2009-01-02 18:10:20Z jeremyhu@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python25 1.0 name deluge version 1.0.7 categories net gnome python maintainers nomaintainer description A GNOME BitTorrent client. long_description \ Deluge is a GNOME client for the BitTorrent network written in python. homepage http://www.deluge-torrent.org platforms darwin master_sites http://download.deluge-torrent.org/source/${version}/ checksums md5 19f782970aedaa9f53b70699f3ee099a \ sha1 c601a0af4fd5c2fdf7b50eb6af2ddafcff58bfaa \ rmd160 b980ab82e67aabdbe180d32e8a1c5e175501fbd3 depends_build \ port:py25-setuptools depends_lib-append \ port:dbus-python25 \ port:gettext \ port:librsvg \ port:py25-gtk \ port:py25-hashlib \ port:py25-setuptools \ port:py25-xdg \ port:py25-zlib \ port:boost #patchfiles patch-setup.py.diff configure.cflags-append -I${prefix}/include/boost configure.cppflags-append -I${prefix}/include/boost build.env \ PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include -I${prefix}/include/boost" \ PYTHON_LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib \ CFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include -I${prefix}/include/boost" pre-configure { if { ![file exists ${prefix}/lib/libboost_python-mt.dylib] } { ui_error "You must build boost with the python25 variant" error "You must build boost with the python25 variant" } }