# $Id: Portfile 50984 2009-05-14 21:08:43Z and.damore@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name makuosan version 1.1.3 homepage http://lab.klab.org/wiki/Makuosan categories net platforms darwin maintainers gmail.com:naoya.n use_parallel_build yes description \ Makuosan(MAKUO for short) is a software which transfer files to multiple servers simultaneously using UDP multicast. long_description \ Makuosan(MAKUO for short) is a software which transfer files to multiple servers simultaneously using UDP multicast. \ (MAKUO consists of makuosan daemon and command line utility msync. The makuosan should be run on every server in a cluster. The makuo talk to makuosan daemon.) MAKUO has following features\; \ Scalability: \ The time required to transfer files to multiple servers does not depend on the number of the target servers. It takes almost as same amount of time to transfer files to 20 servers as it does to 10 servers. However, it is desirable to use MAKUO among servers with similar performance, because transfer speed is limited by the slowest server. \ Simultaneous update on every server. \ The makuosan transfers files simultaneously using IP multicast. Therefore, there should not be any out of sync server. \ Simple configuration: \ Each makuosan daemon maintains available server list by periodically checking existence of other makuosan daemons on different servers. \ The makuosan transfers files only to those servers where makuosan daemon is also alive. Therefore, it never stalls waiting for a dead server, or timeouts. master_sites \ sourceforge checksums \ md5 bc3eac8db45c804d6c15b4f4bfbf331e \ sha1 cf639d13554956fd4e5255e93a1713b7a45d8a5f \ rmd160 ddaef4c83451630763ca13a8f0d9d67a6870bc2d depends_lib \ port:openssl variant server description {add a startup item} { set pidfile ${prefix}/var/run/${name}.pid set makuosan_sbin ${prefix}/sbin/${name} # Create a startupitem to start/stop the server startupitem.create yes startupitem.init "PIDFILE=${pidfile}" startupitem.start "\[ -f ${prefix}/etc/makuosanrc \] && . ${prefix}/etc/makuosanrc && ${makuosan_sbin} -b \${BASE_DIR} -p \${PORT} -l \${IP_ADDRESS} && /bin/ps -ax | /usr/bin/grep ${makuosan_sbin} | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/awk '{ print \$1 }' > \${PIDFILE}" startupitem.stop "\[ -r \${PIDFILE} \] && /bin/kill \$(cat \${PIDFILE}) && /bin/rm -f \${PIDFILE}" } pre-destroot { xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/makuosanrc.in ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/makuosanrc.sample } post-install { if { [variant_isset server] } { ui_msg "******************************************************" ui_msg "*" ui_msg "* First, copy makuosan's base directory setting." ui_msg "* \$ sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/makuosanrc.sample ${prefix}/etc/makuosanrc" ui_msg "*" ui_msg "******************************************************" } }