# $Id: Portfile 50984 2009-05-14 21:08:43Z and.damore@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 revision 1 ruby.setup {cvs ruby-cvs} 0.2 copy_install:lib {README} maintainers otierney.net:dports description High level interface to a CVS repository long_description Ruby/CVS provides high level interface to a CVS repository. homepage http://cvs.m17n.org/~akr/ruby-cvs/ master_sites http://opendarwin.org/~tristan/files/ categories-append devel depends_lib-append port:cvs worksrcdir ${ruby.filename} checksums md5 4e40b597ba43ef8ecc8b0fdce22119bd post-destroot { reinplace "s;/usr/local/bin/ruby;${ruby.bin};" ${worksrcpath}/viztree xinstall -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/viztree ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } platforms darwin