# $Id: Portfile,v 1.1 2004/03/12 05:44:30 rshaw Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name p5-digest-hmac version 1.01 categories perl maintainers rshaw@opendarwin.org description Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication long_description HMAC is used for message integrity checks between \ two parties that share a secret key, and works in \ combination with some other Digest algorithm, \ usually MD5 or SHA-1. The HMAC mechanism is \ described in RFC 2104. set perl_module Digest-HMAC homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/${perl_module}/ master_sites perl_cpan:Digest distname ${perl_module}-${version} dist_subdir perl5 checksums md5 32dc54c765100c638b5d7f7ff4c5c626 platforms darwin # Use Perl from DarwinPorts explicitly set perl ${prefix}/bin/perl set perllib [lindex [glob -nocomplain ${prefix}/lib/perl5/5.8*] end] if {[catch {set perlarch [lindex [split [exec ${perl} -V:archname] {'}] 1]}]} { set perlarch ${os.platform} } set perlarchlib ${perllib}/${perlarch} depends_build path:${perl}:perl5.8 # Depends on these Perl modules depends_lib path:${perlarchlib}/Digest/MD5.pm:perl5.8 \ path:${perlarchlib}/Digest/SHA1.pm:p5-digest-sha1 configure.cmd ${perl} configure.pre_args Makefile.PL configure.args INSTALLDIRS=perl test.run yes destroot.target pure_install post-destroot { foreach packlist [exec find ${destroot}${perllib} -name .packlist] { ui_info "Fixing packlist ${packlist}" reinplace "s|${destroot}||" ${packlist} } }