# $Id: Portfile 60316 2009-11-08 23:34:24Z ryandesign@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name minivmac conflicts minivmac-devel set my_name minivmac version 3.0.4 revision 3 categories emulators aqua maintainers ryandesign license GPLv2 homepage http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/ use_zip yes platforms macosx universal_variant no use_parallel_build yes dist_subdir ${my_name} description \ a Mac 128K, Mac 512K, Mac 512KE, Mac Plus and Mac SE emulator long_description \ Mini vMac is a Macintosh emulator. It emulates the earliest Macs, \ from the original Mac 128K (built 1984-85) to the Mac SE (1987-1990). \ The default is to emulate a Mac Plus (1986-1990)\; this is also \ the best-tested and therefore recommended emulation. master_sites \ sourceforge:${my_name}:minivmac \ macports:${my_name}:macports \ http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Macintosh/System/Older_System/System_7.0.x/:apple distname ${my_name}-${version} set my_src ${distname}.src set my_src_distfile ${my_src}.zip set my_bootstrap_distfile ${my_name}-bootstrap-3.1.2_1.zip set my_clipin clipin-1.1.0 set my_clipin_distfile ${my_clipin}.zip set my_icons icnsosx-1.0.0 set my_icons_distfile ${my_icons}.zip set my_system_disk_container System_7.0.1.smi set my_system_disk_container_distfile ${my_system_disk_container}.bin distfiles \ ${my_src_distfile}:minivmac \ ${my_bootstrap_distfile}:macports \ ${my_icons_distfile}:minivmac \ ${my_clipin_distfile}:minivmac \ ${my_system_disk_container_distfile}:apple extract.only \ ${my_src_distfile} \ ${my_bootstrap_distfile} \ ${my_icons_distfile} \ ${my_clipin_distfile} checksums \ ${my_src_distfile} \ md5 ab308459e98bd5103ad8bbb7dd158eb6 \ sha1 ff99aa72da0868a5306631f0d06ae190cbd2a03a \ rmd160 b8f1f5269d21835ff3e9e428da12a7b6c224e60e \ ${my_bootstrap_distfile} \ md5 65fa9b7fb19a24dc6c9e711387c1bc30 \ sha1 4ad44559e75894d45e91ae62cc7ddb420062f968 \ rmd160 58884cac487a537b5d00fc6093fdfecb6ccc5a2f \ ${my_icons_distfile} \ md5 2af006506de7549be14f94317918d59a \ sha1 4ef79bb56b988fedfeb82a8b6cafd8066f5bbab2 \ rmd160 cef6d7d7578464538d0042b0d98379ae7f18fab7 \ ${my_clipin_distfile} \ md5 e094de97d1c6c214a80fb74895124c3e \ sha1 725f622ad6681c77e7f9f4a64d05ac1d6a103beb \ rmd160 5699b56c8db62b2568c8de88b6d419180b1fb73d \ ${my_system_disk_container_distfile} \ md5 8a4776350b15b5a516cdf7dd18e27290 \ sha1 d4c8b8653de9c7a9b2594dd6126ec7120e3e2e9e \ rmd160 89fc3780c9c5d575a8da4068dc810c1f56c70211 depends_extract \ port:macutil \ bin:expect:expect set my_app_dir "${applications_dir}/Mini vMac" set my_rom_dir "~/Library/Preferences/Gryphel/mnvm_rom" set my_bootstrap_app "Mini vMac Bootstrap.app" set my_rom_file vMac.ROM set my_base_options "-maintainer MacPorts -homepage http://www.macports.org/ -cl -eol unx -nex -im 1" set my_archs {} options my_variations default my_variations {} # The universal variant is disabled until MacPorts 1.8.2 is released # and this port is upgraded to version 3.1.x final. if {0} { # To build the bootstrap, use "sudo port install bootstrap=yes". # The variant is hidden because it is useful only to the port maintainer. if {[tbool bootstrap]} { variant bootstrap conflicts unsupported requires universal description {Build the bootstrap version of Mini vMac} { my_variations {Bootstrap} {-m Plus -sound 0 -bg 1 -speed a} depends_build-append port:p7zip post-destroot { exec 7za a ${destroot}${my_app_dir}/${my_name}-bootstrap-${version}_${revision}.zip ${destroot}${my_app_dir}/${my_bootstrap_app} } } default_variants +bootstrap } variant universal { configure.universal_args configure.universal_archs ppc i386 set my_archs ${configure.universal_archs} } } if {![variant_exists universal] || ![variant_isset universal]} { switch ${os.arch} { powerpc { configure.build_arch ppc } default { configure.build_arch ${os.arch} } } set my_archs ${configure.build_arch} } pre-fetch { set my_real_rom_dir [exec osascript ${filespath}/readalias.applescript [file normalize ${my_rom_dir}]] if {![file exists ${my_real_rom_dir}/${my_rom_file}] && ![file exists ${my_app_dir}/${my_rom_file}]} { ui_msg "****************************************************************" ui_msg "To build Mini vMac, you will need a ROM file from a Macintosh" ui_msg "Plus or 512Ke. And to run it, you need a ROM file from the type" ui_msg "of Mac you want to emulate. ROM files are not included with this" ui_msg "package because they are copyrighted Apple software." ui_msg "To create a ROM file, download the CopyRoms program from" ui_msg "${homepage}extras/copyroms.html" ui_msg "and transfer it to a real physical early Macintosh that you own." ui_msg "Run the CopyRoms program there, then transfer the ROM file back" ui_msg "to this Mac and put it in ${my_rom_dir}" ui_msg "(which can be an alias or symlink if desired) or" ui_msg "${my_app_dir}." ui_msg "****************************************************************" return -code error "${my_rom_file} not found" } } worksrcdir stuff extract.mkdir yes post-extract { # Decode the system disk container image. my_system "sh ${filespath}/demacbinary.sh ${distpath}/${my_system_disk_container_distfile} ${worksrcpath}" # Copy the Disk Tools image from the container image. set my_system_disk_container_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container}] file copy "${my_system_disk_container_mount}/Disk Tools.image" "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.dsk" my_detach_disk_image ${my_system_disk_container_mount} # Make the data directory, where Mini vMac looks for the files it needs. set my_mnvm_dat "${worksrcpath}/${my_bootstrap_app}/Contents/mnvm_dat" file mkdir ${my_mnvm_dat} # Symlink the ROM file into the data directory. ln -s ${my_app_dir}/${my_rom_file} ${my_mnvm_dat} # Symlink the disk images into the data directory with sequentially-numbered # names so Mini vMac will find them and automatically mount them. ln -s "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.dsk" "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk1.dsk" ln -s ${worksrcpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.img "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk2.dsk" ln -s ${worksrcpath}/${my_clipin}/${my_clipin}.dsk "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk3.dsk" } pre-configure { # Set the name of the bootstrap app in the configure script. xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/configure.applescript.in ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript reinplace "s|@BOOTSTRAP_APP@|${my_bootstrap_app}|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript # Copy the source disk image to store the output. # Use the .img extension so that we can mount it on Mac OS X later. copy -force ${worksrcpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.dsk ${worksrcpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.img # Unrestrict the permissions on the source disk image so the Build program # can write its output to it. file attributes ${worksrcpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.img -permissions 0777 # Build up the combined configure args for all variations. set i 0 foreach my_arch ${my_archs} { set my_target [my_arch_to_target ${my_arch}] foreach {my_machine my_variation_options} ${my_variations} { if {${i} > 0} { configure.args-append {\;} } configure.args-append \ ${my_base_options} \ -t ${my_target} \ ${my_variation_options} \ -n ${version}_${revision}-[strsed [string tolower ${my_machine}] {g/[^a-z0-9_-]//}]-${my_target} incr i } } # Launch the bootstrap Mini vMac so the configure script can talk to it. my_system "open '${worksrcpath}/${my_bootstrap_app}'" } configure.cmd osascript configure.pre_args ./configure.applescript build.dir ${workpath}/variations post-configure { file mkdir ${build.dir} set my_variation_dirs {} set my_src_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${worksrcpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.img] foreach my_arch ${my_archs} { file mkdir ${build.dir}/${my_arch} set my_target [my_arch_to_target ${my_arch}] foreach {my_machine unused} ${my_variations} { set my_src_dir ${my_src_disk_mount}/output/${version}_${revision}-[strsed [string tolower ${my_machine}] {g/[^a-z0-9_-]//}]-${my_target} if {[file isdirectory ${my_src_dir}]} { set my_variation_dir ${my_arch}/${my_machine} lappend my_variation_dirs [strsed ${my_variation_dir} {g/ /\\\\ /}] # Get the configured source code. file copy ${my_src_dir} ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir} # Use the right compiler. reinplace "s|gcc|${configure.cc}|g" ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/Makefile # Remove references to SDKs -- the 10.4u SDK is not installed by default on 10.6 # and even if you install it manually it does not work here. reinplace -E {s|-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/[^ ]+||g} ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/Makefile } } } my_detach_disk_image ${my_src_disk_mount} # Set up the global Makefile. xinstall ${filespath}/Makefile.in ${build.dir}/Makefile reinplace "s|@SUBDIRS@|[join ${my_variation_dirs}]|" ${build.dir}/Makefile # If no variation directoriess were produced by configuration, either the flags we # passed in were bad, or the automation script got out of sync with the emulator; # if the latter, the delays in configure.applescript may need to be adjusted. if {"" == ${my_variation_dirs}} { return -code error "configuration failed!" } } set my_share_dir ${prefix}/share/${my_name} post-build { set i 0 foreach my_arch ${my_archs} { set my_target [my_arch_to_target ${my_arch}] foreach {my_machine unused} ${my_variations} { if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { reinplace "s|${my_target}|umch|" ${build.dir}/${my_arch}/${my_machine}/minivmac.app/Contents/Info.plist } if {![variant_exists bootstrap] || ![variant_isset bootstrap]} { # To save space, keep only a single copy of the Resources directory. set my_resources_dir ${build.dir}/${my_arch}/${my_machine}/minivmac.app/Contents/Resources if {0 == ${i}} { move ${my_resources_dir} ${build.dir} } else { delete ${my_resources_dir} } ln -s ${my_share_dir}/Resources ${my_resources_dir} } incr i } } if {![variant_exists bootstrap] || ![variant_isset bootstrap]} { # Install the prettier icons. eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/${my_icons}/icons/*.icns] ${build.dir}/Resources } } destroot { if {![variant_exists bootstrap] || ![variant_isset bootstrap]} { # Install the global Resources directory. xinstall -d ${destroot}${my_share_dir} copy ${build.dir}/Resources ${destroot}${my_share_dir} } # Install the programs. foreach my_arch ${my_archs} { if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { set my_dest ${workpath}/pre-dest/${my_arch} } else { set my_dest ${destroot} } xinstall -d ${my_dest}${my_app_dir} foreach {my_machine unused} ${my_variations} { copy ${build.dir}/${my_arch}/${my_machine}/minivmac.app \ "${my_dest}${my_app_dir}/Mini vMac ${my_machine}.app" } } if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { merge ${workpath}/pre-dest } } if { ![variant_isset mac128k] && ![variant_isset mac512k] && ![variant_isset mac512ke] && ![variant_isset macse] } { default_variants +macplus } variant mac128k conflicts mac512k mac512ke macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh with 128K RAM and 2 drives} { my_variations-append {128K} {-m 128K} } variant mac512k conflicts mac128k mac512ke macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh 512K with 512K RAM and 2 drives} { my_variations-append {512K} {-m 512K} } variant mac512ke conflicts mac128k mac512k macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh 512Ke with 512K RAM and 6 drives} { my_variations-append {512Ke} {-m 512Ke} } variant macplus conflicts mac128k mac512k mac512ke macse description {Emulate a Macintosh Plus with 4 MB RAM and 6 drives} { my_variations-append {Plus} {-m Plus} } variant macse conflicts mac128k mac512k mac512ke macplus description {Emulate a Macintosh SE with 4 MB RAM and 6 drives} { my_variations-append {SE} {-m SE} } # Converts normal arch names into Mini vMac target names. proc my_arch_to_target {arch} { switch ${arch} { i386 { return imch } ppc { return mach } default { return -code error "unsupported architecture ${arch}" } } } # Mounts a disk image. proc my_attach_disk_image {disk_image} { global my_name filespath set mountpoint [mkdtemp "/tmp/${my_name}.XXXXXXXX"] # Use this expect script instead of using hdiutil directly, because the # system disk image has a license agreement we must agree to. my_system "expect ${filespath}/attach.exp '${disk_image}' '${mountpoint}'" return ${mountpoint} } # Unmounts a disk image. proc my_detach_disk_image {mountpoint} { my_system "hdiutil detach ${mountpoint} -force" file delete -force ${mountpoint} } proc my_system {cmd} { ui_debug ${cmd} system ${cmd} } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}doc/download.html livecheck.regex ${my_name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.src