# $Id: Portfile 78553 2011-05-11 22:35:00Z adfernandes@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python26 1.0 name py26-cx_Freeze version 4.2.3 categories-append devel maintainers adfernandes openmaintainer description Scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts into executables long_description cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python \ scripts into executables in much the same way that py2exe and \ py2app do. Unlike these two tools, cx_Freeze is cross platform \ and should work on any platform that Python itself works on. platforms darwin universal_variant no homepage http://cx-freeze.sourceforge.net/ master_sites sourceforge:cx-freeze distname cx_Freeze-${version} checksums md5 a524cfd23de5d37e0ec9400ba1ccd6ad \ sha1 860de723365f2994f94f242f1147f89e09ed1ee9 \ rmd160 92dbdd14315bc4b02d98649b8c6b2982b06ad2e7 depends_lib port:py26-distribute livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex Download (\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+) released