# $Id $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup qt4 1.0 name qlipper version 1.8.2 revision 2 description Lightweight & cross-platform clipboard history applet long_description ${description} maintainers pvanek openmaintainer categories aqua office textproc platforms darwin homepage http://code.google.com/p/qlipper/ master_sites googlecode use_bzip2 yes depends_lib port:qt4-mac checksums md5 4b0c5b30aeec336375bd526d0884b8d3 \ sha1 e1669a7c3ce4d36408523cb19a58f5e89943c58b \ rmd160 84de2d4d577ff0245836cfc02ab8c32c00e26954 configure.cmd ${qt_qmake_cmd} configure.pre_args INSTALL_PREFIX=${worksrcpath}/tmprelease/ CONFIGURE=\"release\" configure { ui_msg ${worksrcpath} system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ${qt_qmake_cmd}" } destroot { # Install to the application directory xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${applications_dir} file copy ${worksrcpath}/Qlipper.app ${destroot}${applications_dir} }