# $Id: Portfile,v 1.11 2004/12/01 19:34:59 jberry Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name bind9 version 9.3.0 categories net maintainers bchesneau@mac.com jberry@opendarwin.org platforms darwin freebsd sunos description Domain Name System server long_description The BIND DNS Server is used on the vast majority of name \ serving machines on the Internet, providing a robust \ and stable \ architecture on top of which an organization's naming architecture \ can be built. The resolver library included in the BIND distribution \ provides the standard APIs for translation between domain names \ and Internet addresses and is intended to be linked with applications \ requiring name service. homepage http://www.isc.org distname bind-${version} master_sites isc:${portname}/${version} checksums md5 fdb42fff7e345372ac52a4493b77b694 configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --enable-libbind post-destroot { # Ensure needed directories xinstall -m 755 -d \ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/rc.d \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/named \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run # Install the startup script xinstall -o root -m 755 ${filespath}/bind.sh \ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/rc.d reinplace "s|%%PREFIX%%|${prefix}|g" \ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/rc.d/bind.sh # Install the conf file as a sample xinstall -o root -m 644 ${filespath}/named.conf \ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/named.conf.dist reinplace "s|%%PREFIX%%|${prefix}|g" \ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/named.conf.dist # Install the db files as samples foreach f "db. db.cache db.localhost" { xinstall -o root -m 644 ${filespath}/${f} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/named/${f}.dist } destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run } variant darwin { depends_lib-append lib:libdl:dlcompat depends_run-append path:/Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup:DarwinPortsStartup } variant ipv6 { configure.args-append --enable-ipv6 } variant ssl { depends_lib-append lib:libssl.0.9:openssl configure.args-append --with-openssl } variant threads { configure.args-append --enable-threads }