This document contains some information about the internal structure of a portpkg. A portpkg is the unified container for information about a port, contained in an file produced by xar ( xar files contains two types of elements: files and additional meta information. We break our discussion of portpkg format into these two areas. portpkg file naming, extension, and mime-type ============================================= In order to facilite download and handling of portpkg's, their naming will be as follows: - .portpkg - file extension: .portpkg - mime-type: application/vnd.macports.portpkg The naming of a portpkg using the portname is not guaranteed in all cases, but it a suggestion. And in particular, certain characters in portnames may be omitted or changed to ensure valid and simple file names. The mime-type application/vnd.macports.portpkg has been registered with the IETF. portpkg files ============= Files in a portpkg are mostly just the contents of the port directory, rooted at portpkg: portpkg/ Portfile files/ We may also have a reason for additional files and/or manifest information: tbd. Notes: * The contents of the port directory tree are always under the portpkg root in the xar file. * At some point additional information may be stored in other top-level trees inside the xar file. portpkg meta information ======================== The schema for meta information in the xar file is not yet finalized, but we anticipate the following information will be present: (portpkg information) * Portpkg version * Creation Date (this may be implicit in the xar file) (submitter information) * Submitter Name * Submitter Email address * Submitter Notes (about the package) * Submitter tags (tags the submitter would like to add on submit) (package information: automatically parsed from the Portfile) * Port name * Port homepage * Port categories (tags to apply on submission) * Port epoch * Port version * Port revision * Description * Long description * Direct Dependencies * Variants * Variant * Dependencies * Platforms * Platform spec * Dependencies Additionally, it's possible that the following additional meta information will be appended on submission of the portpkg through mpwa. This is probably not a good idea, as then there is not a verifiable correspondence between the package the submitter submitted (and potentially signed) and the one that is stored. * Submitter Account UserName * Submission Date * PkgID * PkgURL Notes: * Note that much of this information is available in the Portfile, but it is presented here in static form, and is available without parsing the portfile.