# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup perl5 1.0 perl5.setup ikiwiki 3.20100831 name ikiwiki revision 1.1 categories www perl description A wiki compiler. long_description Ikiwiki is a wiki compiler. It converts wiki pages \ into HTML pages suitable for publishing on a website. \ Ikiwiki stores pages and history in a revision control \ system such as Subversion or Git. There are many other \ features, including support for blogging, as well as a \ large array of plugins. homepage http://ikiwiki.info/ maintainers tommyd openmaintainer platforms darwin master_sites http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/i/ikiwiki/ distname ${name}_${version} worksrcdir ${name} patchfiles patch-Makefile.PL.diff checksums md5 0270ac24e132cf43d96e13e509b1ccdc \ sha1 7aac193e19b572fa8f5395e2cf6fbc8b85d74f39 \ rmd160 958591f586aee203cc122c76b8f746602ae59ae8 depends_build port:coreutils if {![variant_isset perl5_10]} { default_variants +perl5_12 } set perl_req "" variant perl5_10 conflicts perl5_12 description "Require an installed Perl 5.10" { depends_build-append port:perl5.10 set perl_req "5.10" } variant perl5_12 conflicts perl5_10 description "Require an installed Perl 5.12" { depends_build-append port:perl5.12 set perl_req "5.12" } variant mangle_names description {mangle the installed perl names} { } # needed modules (see Bundle/IkiWiki.pm) depends_lib-append port:p5-cgi-formbuilder \ port:p5-cgi-session \ port:p5-data-dumper \ port:p5-html-parser \ port:p5-html-scrubber \ port:p5-html-template \ port:p5-html-tree \ port:p5-mail-sendmail \ port:p5-text-markdown \ port:p5-uri \ port:p5-timedate \ port:p5-xml-simple # a couple of optional extra modules bundled from MacPorts used by plugins # (for a complete list see Bundle/IkiWiki/Extras.pm) depends_lib-append port:p5-crypt-ssleay \ port:p5-digest-sha1 \ port:p5-file-mimeinfo \ port:p5-locale-gettext \ port:p5-rpc-xml \ port:p5-term-readline-gnu \ port:p5-text-csv \ port:p5-text-wikiformat \ port:p5-xml-feed \ port:p5-yaml destroot.target CP=gcp install configure.args INSTALLDIRS=vendor PREFIX=${prefix} post-patch { set perl_binary "${prefix}/bin/perl" if { [file exists ${perl_binary}] } { set perl_inst [join [lrange [split [exec ${perl_binary} -e "printf '%vd\n', $^V"] .] 0 1] .] if { ${perl_inst} == ${perl_req} } { ui_msg "Required Perl version ${perl_req} found at '${perl_binary}')." } else { set perl_binary "${prefix}/bin/perl${perl_req}" if { [file exists ${perl_binary}] } { ui_msg "Required Perl version ${perl_req} found at '${perl_binary}'." } else { # This shouldn't happen, because perl is a prereq for installing. ui_warn "Required Perl version ${perl_req} not found." } } } else { # This shouldn't happen, because perl is a prereq for installing. ui_warn "Required Perl version ${perl_req} not found." } reinplace "s|/usr/bin/perl|${perl_binary}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki.in \ ${worksrcpath}/IkiWiki.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.PL \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-calendar.in \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-makerepo \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-mass-rebuild \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-transition.in \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-update-wikilist \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki.in \ ${worksrcpath}/gitremotes \ ${worksrcpath}/mdwn2man \ ${worksrcpath}/pm_filter \ ${worksrcpath}/docwiki.setup \ ${worksrcpath}/auto.setup \ ${worksrcpath}/auto-blog.setup reinplace "s|/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist|${prefix}/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-update-wikilist \ ${worksrcpath}/ikiwiki-mass-rebuild } post-activate { ui_msg "###########################################################" ui_msg "# If you upgrade from version 3.20100403 or earlier, please" ui_msg "# read the upgrade instruction here: " ui_msg "# http://ikiwiki.info/news/version_3.20100427/ " ui_msg "###########################################################" }