version:1 :debug:sysinfo macOS 10.13 (darwin/17.6.0) arch i386 :debug:sysinfo MacPorts 2.5.2 :debug:sysinfo Xcode 9.3.1 :debug:sysinfo SDK 10.13 :debug:sysinfo MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: 10.13 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 1 installed: 1 :debug:main autoconf 2.69_5 exists in the ports tree :debug:main autoconf 2.69_5 is the latest installed :debug:main autoconf 2.69_5 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! autoconf 2.69_5 >= autoconf 2.69_5 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 2 installed: 2 :debug:main gettext exists in the ports tree :debug:main gettext is the latest installed :debug:main gettext is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main compiler clang 902.0.39.1 not blacklisted because it doesn't match {clang < 211.10.1} :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! gettext >= gettext :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libiconv 1.15_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libiconv 1.15_0 is the latest installed :debug:main libiconv 1.15_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libiconv 1.15_0 >= libiconv 1.15_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main ncurses 6.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main ncurses 6.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main ncurses 6.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! ncurses 6.1_0 >= ncurses 6.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main automake 1.16.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main automake 1.16.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main automake 1.16.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! automake 1.16.1_0 >= automake 1.16.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libtool 2.4.6_5 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libtool 2.4.6_5 is the latest installed :debug:main libtool 2.4.6_5 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libtool 2.4.6_5 >= libtool 2.4.6_5 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 3 installed: 3 :debug:main netcdf exists in the ports tree :debug:main netcdf +dap+netcdf4 is the latest installed :debug:main netcdf +dap+netcdf4 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+dap+netcdf4' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: netcdf4 + dap + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup active_variants 1.1 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup compilers 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup mpi 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup github 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Re-registering default for configure.dir :debug:main Re-registering default for configure.pre_args :debug:main Re-registering default for build.dir :debug:main Re-registering default for :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup cmake 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Re-registering default for livecheck.regex :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Executing variant netcdf4 provides netcdf4 :debug:main Executing variant dap provides dap :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! netcdf >= netcdf :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main hdf5 1.10.2_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main hdf5 1.10.2_0 +cxx+hl is the latest installed :debug:main hdf5 1.10.2_0 +cxx+hl is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+cxx+hl' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: hl + cxx + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup active_variants 1.1 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup compilers 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup mpi 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Executing variant hl provides hl :debug:main Executing variant cxx provides cxx :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! hdf5 1.10.2_0 >= hdf5 1.10.2_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main zlib 1.2.11_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main zlib 1.2.11_0 is the latest installed :debug:main zlib 1.2.11_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup xcodeversion 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! zlib 1.2.11_0 >= zlib 1.2.11_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main curl 7.60.0_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main curl 7.60.0_0 +ssl is the latest installed :debug:main curl 7.60.0_0 +ssl is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+ssl' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: ssl + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Executing variant ssl provides ssl :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! curl 7.60.0_0 >= curl 7.60.0_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libidn2 2.0.5_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libidn2 2.0.5_0 is the latest installed :debug:main libidn2 2.0.5_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libidn2 2.0.5_0 >= libidn2 2.0.5_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libunistring 0.9.10_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libunistring 0.9.10_0 is the latest installed :debug:main libunistring 0.9.10_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libunistring 0.9.10_0 >= libunistring 0.9.10_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libpsl 0.20.2-20180522_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libpsl 0.20.2-20180522_0 is the latest installed :debug:main libpsl 0.20.2-20180522_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup github 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Re-registering default for livecheck.regex :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libpsl 0.20.2-20180522_0 >= libpsl 0.20.2-20180522_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main glib2 2.56.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main glib2 2.56.1_0 +x11 is the latest installed :debug:main glib2 2.56.1_0 +x11 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+x11' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: x11 + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main compiler clang 902.0.39.1 not blacklisted because it doesn't match {clang < 600} :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Executing variant x11 provides x11 :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! glib2 2.56.1_0 >= glib2 2.56.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libffi 3.2.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libffi 3.2.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main libffi 3.2.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libffi 3.2.1_0 >= libffi 3.2.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main pcre 8.42_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main pcre 8.42_0 is the latest installed :debug:main pcre 8.42_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! pcre 8.42_0 >= pcre 8.42_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main bzip2 1.0.6_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main bzip2 1.0.6_0 is the latest installed :debug:main bzip2 1.0.6_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! bzip2 1.0.6_0 >= bzip2 1.0.6_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 20090923 installed: 20090923 :debug:main libedit 20170329-3.1_2 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libedit 20170329-3.1_2 is the latest installed :debug:main libedit 20170329-3.1_2 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libedit 20170329-3.1_2 >= libedit 20170329-3.1_2 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 1 installed: 1 :debug:main openssl 1.0.2o_1 exists in the ports tree :debug:main openssl 1.0.2o_1 is the latest installed :debug:main openssl 1.0.2o_1 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! openssl 1.0.2o_1 >= openssl 1.0.2o_1 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main curl-ca-bundle 7.60.0_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main curl-ca-bundle 7.60.0_0 is the latest installed :debug:main curl-ca-bundle 7.60.0_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main universal_variant is false, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! curl-ca-bundle 7.60.0_0 >= curl-ca-bundle 7.60.0_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 1 installed: 1 :debug:main cdf 3.6.4_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main cdf 3.6.4_0 is the latest installed :debug:main cdf 3.6.4_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup active_variants 1.1 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup compilers 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal_variant is false, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! cdf 3.6.4_0 >= cdf 3.6.4_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main cosmoplayer 2.1.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main cosmoplayer 2.1.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main cosmoplayer 2.1.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main universal_variant is false, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! cosmoplayer 2.1.1_0 >= cosmoplayer 2.1.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main opendx-java40 1999.11.15_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main opendx-java40 1999.11.15_0 is the latest installed :debug:main opendx-java40 1999.11.15_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main universal_variant is false, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! opendx-java40 1999.11.15_0 >= opendx-java40 1999.11.15_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main openmotif 2.3.8_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main openmotif 2.3.8_0 is the latest installed :debug:main openmotif 2.3.8_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! openmotif 2.3.8_0 >= openmotif 2.3.8_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main jpeg 9c_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main jpeg 9c_0 is the latest installed :debug:main jpeg 9c_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! jpeg 9c_0 >= jpeg 9c_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libpng 1.6.34_1 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libpng 1.6.34_1 is the latest installed :debug:main libpng 1.6.34_1 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libpng 1.6.34_1 >= libpng 1.6.34_1 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libsm 1.2.2_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libsm 1.2.2_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libsm 1.2.2_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libsm 1.2.2_0 >= xorg-libsm 1.2.2_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libice 1.0.9_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libice 1.0.9_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libice 1.0.9_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libice 1.0.9_0 >= xorg-libice 1.0.9_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-xproto 7.0.31_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-xproto 7.0.31_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-xproto 7.0.31_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-xproto 7.0.31_0 >= xorg-xproto 7.0.31_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXext 1.3.3_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXext 1.3.3_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXext 1.3.3_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXext 1.3.3_0 >= xorg-libXext 1.3.3_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libX11 1.6.5_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libX11 1.6.5_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libX11 1.6.5_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libX11 1.6.5_0 >= xorg-libX11 1.6.5_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXdmcp 1.1.2_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXdmcp 1.1.2_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXdmcp 1.1.2_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXdmcp 1.1.2_0 >= xorg-libXdmcp 1.1.2_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXau 1.0.8_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXau 1.0.8_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXau 1.0.8_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXau 1.0.8_0 >= xorg-libXau 1.0.8_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libxcb 1.12_2 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libxcb 1.12_2 +python27 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libxcb 1.12_2 +python27 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+python27' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: python27 + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Executing variant python27 provides python27 :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libxcb 1.12_2 >= xorg-libxcb 1.12_2 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-xcb-proto 1.12_1 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-xcb-proto 1.12_1 +python27 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-xcb-proto 1.12_1 +python27 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+python27' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: python27 + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Executing variant python27 provides python27 :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-xcb-proto 1.12_1 >= xorg-xcb-proto 1.12_1 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 2 installed: 2 :debug:main python27 2.7.15_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main python27 2.7.15_0 is the latest installed :debug:main python27 2.7.15_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup select 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! python27 2.7.15_0 >= python27 2.7.15_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main db48 4.8.30_4 exists in the ports tree :debug:main db48 4.8.30_4 is the latest installed :debug:main db48 4.8.30_4 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! db48 4.8.30_4 >= db48 4.8.30_4 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main expat 2.2.5_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main expat 2.2.5_0 is the latest installed :debug:main expat 2.2.5_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! expat 2.2.5_0 >= expat 2.2.5_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main sqlite3 3.24.0_1 exists in the ports tree :debug:main sqlite3 3.24.0_1 is the latest installed :debug:main sqlite3 3.24.0_1 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! sqlite3 3.24.0_1 >= sqlite3 3.24.0_1 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main python_select 0.3_7 exists in the ports tree :debug:main python_select 0.3_7 is the latest installed :debug:main python_select 0.3_7 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup select 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal_variant is false, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! python_select 0.3_7 >= python_select 0.3_7 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main python2_select 0.0_2 exists in the ports tree :debug:main python2_select 0.0_2 is the latest installed :debug:main python2_select 0.0_2 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup select 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal_variant is false, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! python2_select 0.0_2 >= python2_select 0.0_2 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libxml2 2.9.7_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libxml2 2.9.7_0 is the latest installed :debug:main libxml2 2.9.7_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libxml2 2.9.7_0 >= libxml2 2.9.7_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xz 5.2.4_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xz 5.2.4_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xz 5.2.4_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xz 5.2.4_0 >= xz 5.2.4_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libpthread-stubs 0.4_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libpthread-stubs 0.4_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libpthread-stubs 0.4_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libpthread-stubs 0.4_0 >= xorg-libpthread-stubs 0.4_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-kbproto 1.0.7_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-kbproto 1.0.7_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-kbproto 1.0.7_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-kbproto 1.0.7_0 >= xorg-kbproto 1.0.7_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-xextproto 7.3.0_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-xextproto 7.3.0_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-xextproto 7.3.0_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-xextproto 7.3.0_0 >= xorg-xextproto 7.3.0_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main Xft2 2.3.2_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main Xft2 2.3.2_0 is the latest installed :debug:main Xft2 2.3.2_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! Xft2 2.3.2_0 >= Xft2 2.3.2_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xrender 0.9.10_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xrender 0.9.10_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xrender 0.9.10_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xrender 0.9.10_0 >= xrender 0.9.10_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-renderproto 0.11.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-renderproto 0.11.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-renderproto 0.11.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-renderproto 0.11.1_0 >= xorg-renderproto 0.11.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main freetype 2.8.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main freetype 2.8.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main freetype 2.8.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! freetype 2.8.1_0 >= freetype 2.8.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main fontconfig 2.13.0_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main fontconfig 2.13.0_0 is the latest installed :debug:main fontconfig 2.13.0_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! fontconfig 2.13.0_0 >= fontconfig 2.13.0_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main ossp-uuid 1.6.2_11 exists in the ports tree :debug:main ossp-uuid 1.6.2_11 +perl5_26 is the latest installed :debug:main ossp-uuid 1.6.2_11 +perl5_26 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+perl5_26' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: perl5_26 + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Re-registering default for configure.universal_args :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup perl5 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Executing variant perl5_26 provides perl5_26 :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! ossp-uuid 1.6.2_11 >= ossp-uuid 1.6.2_11 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main perl5.26 5.26.2_1 exists in the ports tree :debug:main perl5.26 5.26.2_1 is the latest installed :debug:main perl5.26 5.26.2_1 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Re-registering default for configure.universal_args :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup perl5 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! perl5.26 5.26.2_1 >= perl5.26 5.26.2_1 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main gdbm 1.15_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main gdbm 1.15_0 is the latest installed :debug:main gdbm 1.15_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! gdbm 1.15_0 >= gdbm 1.15_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main readline 7.0.003_1 exists in the ports tree :debug:main readline 7.0.003_1 is the latest installed :debug:main readline 7.0.003_1 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! readline 7.0.003_1 >= readline 7.0.003_1 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXmu 1.1.2_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXmu 1.1.2_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXmu 1.1.2_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXmu 1.1.2_0 >= xorg-libXmu 1.1.2_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXt 1.1.5_2 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXt 1.1.5_2 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXt 1.1.5_2 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXt 1.1.5_2 >= xorg-libXt 1.1.5_2 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXp 1.0.3_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXp 1.0.3_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXp 1.0.3_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXp 1.0.3_0 >= xorg-libXp 1.0.3_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-printproto 1.0.5_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-printproto 1.0.5_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-printproto 1.0.5_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-printproto 1.0.5_0 >= xorg-printproto 1.0.5_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main libGLU 9.0.0_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main libGLU 9.0.0_0 is the latest installed :debug:main libGLU 9.0.0_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! libGLU 9.0.0_0 >= libGLU 9.0.0_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 1 installed: 1 :debug:main mesa 17.1.6_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main mesa 17.1.6_0 +osmesa+python27 is the latest installed :debug:main mesa 17.1.6_0 +osmesa+python27 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '+osmesa+python27' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: osmesa + python27 + :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main Sourcing PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main compiler clang 902.0.39.1 not blacklisted because it doesn't match {clang < 800} :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Executing variant python27 provides python27 :debug:main Executing variant osmesa provides osmesa :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! mesa 17.1.6_0 >= mesa 17.1.6_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-glproto 1.4.17_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-glproto 1.4.17_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-glproto 1.4.17_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-glproto 1.4.17_0 >= xorg-glproto 1.4.17_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-dri2proto 2.8_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-dri2proto 2.8_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-dri2proto 2.8_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-dri2proto 2.8_0 >= xorg-dri2proto 2.8_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXdamage 1.1.4_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXdamage 1.1.4_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXdamage 1.1.4_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXdamage 1.1.4_0 >= xorg-libXdamage 1.1.4_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXfixes 5.0.3_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXfixes 5.0.3_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXfixes 5.0.3_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXfixes 5.0.3_0 >= xorg-libXfixes 5.0.3_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-fixesproto 5.0_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-fixesproto 5.0_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-fixesproto 5.0_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-fixesproto 5.0_0 >= xorg-fixesproto 5.0_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-damageproto 1.2.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-damageproto 1.2.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-damageproto 1.2.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-damageproto 1.2.1_0 >= xorg-damageproto 1.2.1_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXi 1.7.8_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXi 1.7.8_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXi 1.7.8_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXi 1.7.8_0 >= xorg-libXi 1.7.8_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-inputproto 2.3.2_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-inputproto 2.3.2_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-inputproto 2.3.2_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-inputproto 2.3.2_0 >= xorg-inputproto 2.3.2_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-libXxf86vm 1.1.4_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-libXxf86vm 1.1.4_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-libXxf86vm 1.1.4_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main adding the default universal variant :debug:main Reading variant descriptions from /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-libXxf86vm 1.1.4_0 >= xorg-libXxf86vm 1.1.4_0 :debug:main epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0 :debug:main xorg-xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1_0 exists in the ports tree :debug:main xorg-xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1_0 is the latest installed :debug:main xorg-xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1_0 is active :debug:main Merging existing variants '' into variants :debug:main new fully merged portvariants: :debug:main Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ :debug:main OS darwin/17.6.0 (Mac OS X 10.13) arch i386 :debug:main only one arch supported, so not adding the default universal variant :debug:main Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Finished running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies :debug:main Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes :debug:main No need to upgrade! xorg-xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1_0 >= xorg-xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1_0 :msg:main ---> Computing dependencies for opendx:info:main .:debug:main opendx has no conflicts :debug:main Searching for dependency: autoconf :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for autoconf :debug:main Searching for dependency: automake :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for automake :debug:main Searching for dependency: libtool :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for libtool :debug:main Searching for dependency: netcdf :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for netcdf :debug:main Searching for dependency: cdf :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for cdf :debug:main Searching for dependency: cosmoplayer :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for cosmoplayer :debug:main Searching for dependency: opendx-java40 :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for opendx-java40 :debug:main Searching for dependency: openmotif :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for openmotif :debug:main Searching for dependency: libGLU :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for libGLU :debug:main Searching for dependency: mesa :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for mesa :debug:main Executing org.macports.main (opendx) :debug:main dropping privileges: euid changed to 503, egid changed to 501. :debug:archivefetch archivefetch phase started at Fri Jun 22 13:26:36 EDT 2018 :msg:archivefetch ---> Fetching archive for opendx :debug:archivefetch Executing org.macports.archivefetch (opendx) :debug:archivefetch euid/egid changed to: 0/0 :debug:archivefetch chowned /opt/local/var/macports/incoming to macports :debug:archivefetch euid/egid changed to: 503/501 :info:archivefetch ---> opendx-4.4.4_4.darwin_17.x86_64.tbz2 doesn't seem to exist in /opt/local/var/macports/incoming/verified :msg:archivefetch ---> Attempting to fetch opendx-4.4.4_4.darwin_17.x86_64.tbz2 from :debug:archivefetch Fetching archive failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found :msg:archivefetch ---> Attempting to fetch opendx-4.4.4_4.darwin_17.x86_64.tbz2 from :debug:archivefetch Fetching archive failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found :msg:archivefetch ---> Attempting to fetch opendx-4.4.4_4.darwin_17.x86_64.tbz2 from :debug:archivefetch Fetching archive failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found :debug:archivefetch Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root. :debug:fetch fetch phase started at Fri Jun 22 13:26:37 EDT 2018 :notice:fetch ---> Fetching distfiles for opendx :debug:fetch Executing org.macports.fetch (opendx) :debug:fetch Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root. :debug:checksum checksum phase started at Fri Jun 22 13:26:37 EDT 2018 :notice:checksum ---> Verifying checksums for opendx :debug:checksum Executing org.macports.checksum (opendx) :info:checksum ---> Checksumming dx-4.4.4.tar.gz :debug:checksum Calculated (md5) is 6da0c4cd21d3c08f97b7662e3aee5b7b :debug:checksum Correct (md5) checksum for dx-4.4.4.tar.gz :debug:checksum Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root. :debug:extract extract phase started at Fri Jun 22 13:26:37 EDT 2018 :notice:extract ---> Extracting opendx :debug:extract Executing org.macports.extract (opendx) :info:extract ---> Extracting dx-4.4.4.tar.gz :debug:extract setting option extract.args to '/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/opendx/dx-4.4.4.tar.gz' :debug:extract Environment: :debug:extract CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:extract CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:extract CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:extract LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:extract MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:extract Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work" && /usr/bin/gzip -dc '/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/opendx/dx-4.4.4.tar.gz' | /usr/bin/tar -xf - :debug:extract system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work" && /usr/bin/gzip -dc '/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/opendx/dx-4.4.4.tar.gz' | /usr/bin/tar -xf - :debug:extract euid/egid changed to: 0/0 :debug:extract chowned /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work to macports :debug:extract euid/egid changed to: 503/501 :debug:extract Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root. :debug:patch patch phase started at Fri Jun 22 13:26:40 EDT 2018 :debug:patch Executing org.macports.patch (opendx) :notice:patch ---> Applying patches to opendx :info:patch ---> Applying :debug:patch Environment: :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:patch CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:patch LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:patch MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:patch Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :debug:patch system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :info:patch patching file :info:patch ---> Applying patch-src-exec-dpexec-packet.c.diff :debug:patch Environment: :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:patch CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:patch LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:patch MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:patch Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :debug:patch system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :info:patch patching file src/exec/dpexec/packet.c :info:patch ---> Applying :debug:patch Environment: :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:patch CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:patch LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:patch MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:patch Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :debug:patch system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :info:patch patching file src/exec/dxmods/ :info:patch ---> Applying main.diff :debug:patch Environment: :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:patch CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:patch LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:patch MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:patch Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :debug:patch system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :info:patch patching file src/uipp/base/Application.h :info:patch patching file src/uipp/dxui/Main.C :info:patch patching file src/uipp/mb/Main.C :info:patch patching file src/uipp/prompter/Main.C :info:patch patching file src/uipp/startup/Main.C :info:patch patching file src/uipp/tutor/Main.C :info:patch ---> Applying :debug:patch Environment: :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:patch CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:patch LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:patch MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:patch Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :debug:patch system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/patch -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/' :info:patch patching file src/uipp/java/ :debug:patch Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root. :debug:configure configure phase started at Fri Jun 22 13:26:40 EDT 2018 :notice:configure ---> Configuring opendx :debug:configure Preferred compilers: clang macports-clang-5.0 macports-clang-4.0 :debug:configure Using compiler 'Xcode Clang' :debug:configure Executing org.macports.configure (opendx) :debug:configure Environment: :debug:configure CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:configure CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:configure CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:configure LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:configure MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:configure Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && autoreconf -fvi :debug:configure system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && autoreconf -fvi :info:configure autoreconf: Entering directory `.' :info:configure autoreconf: not using Gettext :info:configure autoreconf: running: /opt/local/bin/aclocal --force :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:643: AS_IF is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2670: _AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2680: AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure acinclude.m4:325: DX_LEX_YYLINENO is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure autoreconf: tracing :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:643: AS_IF is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2670: _AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2680: AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure acinclude.m4:325: DX_LEX_YYLINENO is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure autoreconf: running: /opt/local/bin/glibtoolize --copy --force :info:configure glibtoolize: putting auxiliary files in '.'. :info:configure glibtoolize: copying file './' :info:configure glibtoolize: Consider adding 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4])' to, :info:configure glibtoolize: and rerunning glibtoolize and aclocal. :info:configure glibtoolize: Consider adding '-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:643: AS_IF is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2670: _AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2680: AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure acinclude.m4:325: DX_LEX_YYLINENO is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure autoreconf: running: /opt/local/bin/autoconf --force :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:643: AS_IF is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2670: _AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2680: AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure acinclude.m4:325: DX_LEX_YYLINENO is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure autoreconf: running: /opt/local/bin/autoheader --force :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:643: AS_IF is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2670: _AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2680: AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure acinclude.m4:325: DX_LEX_YYLINENO is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure autoreconf: running: /opt/local/bin/automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:643: AS_IF is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2598: _AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2608: AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:197: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2670: _AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2680: AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from... :info:configure acinclude.m4:325: DX_LEX_YYLINENO is expanded from... :info:configure the top level :info:configure installing './compile' :info:configure installing './missing' :info:configure src/exec/dpexec/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/exec/dpexec/ installing './depcomp' :info:configure src/exec/dxexec/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/exec/dxmods/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/exec/hwrender/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/exec/hwrender/opengl/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/exec/libdx/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/misc/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/base/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/dxl/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/dxui/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/dxuilib/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/mb/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/prompter/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/startup/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/tutor/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure src/uipp/widgets/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS') :info:configure autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' :debug:configure Environment: :debug:configure CC='/usr/bin/clang' :debug:configure CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:configure CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:configure CFLAGS='-pipe -Os -arch x86_64' :debug:configure CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:configure CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include -D_UINT64 -D_UINT32 -D_UINT16 -D_UINT8' :debug:configure CXX='/usr/bin/clang++' :debug:configure CXXFLAGS='-pipe -Os -stdlib=libc++ -arch x86_64' :debug:configure F77FLAGS='-m64' :debug:configure F90FLAGS='-pipe -Os -m64' :debug:configure FCFLAGS='-pipe -Os -m64' :debug:configure FFLAGS='-pipe -Os' :debug:configure INSTALL='/usr/bin/install -c' :debug:configure JAVA='/usr/bin/java' :debug:configure JAVAC='/usr/bin/javac' :debug:configure JAVAH='/usr/bin/javah' :debug:configure JAVAP='/usr/bin/javap' :debug:configure JAVA_HOME='/Library/Java/Home' :debug:configure LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -arch x86_64' :debug:configure LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:configure MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :debug:configure OBJC='/usr/bin/clang' :debug:configure OBJCFLAGS='-pipe -Os -arch x86_64' :debug:configure OBJCXX='/usr/bin/clang++' :debug:configure OBJCXXFLAGS='-pipe -Os -stdlib=libc++ -arch x86_64' :info:configure Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-jni-path=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers --with-java40jar-path=/opt/local/share/java/java40.jar --with-cosmojar-path=/opt/local/share/java/npcosmop211.jar :debug:configure system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-jni-path=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers --with-java40jar-path=/opt/local/share/java/java40.jar --with-cosmojar-path=/opt/local/share/java/npcosmop211.jar :info:configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c :info:configure checking whether build environment is sane... yes :info:configure checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... ./install-sh -c -d :info:configure checking for gawk... no :info:configure checking for mawk... no :info:configure checking for nawk... no :info:configure checking for awk... awk :info:configure checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes :info:configure checking whether make supports nested variables... yes :info:configure checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0 :info:configure checking host system type... x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0 :info:configure checking how to print strings... printf :info:configure checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style) :info:configure checking for gcc... /usr/bin/clang :info:configure checking whether the C compiler works... yes :info:configure checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out :info:configure checking for suffix of executables... :info:configure checking whether we are cross compiling... no :info:configure checking for suffix of object files... o :info:configure checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes :info:configure checking whether /usr/bin/clang accepts -g... yes :info:configure checking for /usr/bin/clang option to accept ISO C89... none needed :info:configure checking whether /usr/bin/clang understands -c and -o together... yes :info:configure checking dependency style of /usr/bin/clang... gcc3 :info:configure checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed :info:configure checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep :info:configure checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E :info:configure checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F :info:configure checking for ld used by /usr/bin/clang... /Applications/ :info:configure checking if the linker (/Applications/ is GNU ld... no :info:configure checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /opt/local/bin/nm -B :info:configure checking the name lister (/opt/local/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm :info:configure checking whether ln -s works... yes :info:configure checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 196608 :info:configure checking how to convert x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0 file names to x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0 format... func_convert_file_noop :info:configure checking how to convert x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0 file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop :info:configure checking for /Applications/ option to reload object files... -r :info:configure checking for objdump... objdump :info:configure checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all :info:configure checking for dlltool... no :info:configure checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n :info:configure checking for ar... ar :info:configure checking for archiver @FILE support... no :info:configure checking for strip... strip :info:configure checking for ranlib... ranlib :info:configure checking command to parse /opt/local/bin/nm -B output from /usr/bin/clang object... ok :info:configure checking for sysroot... no :info:configure checking for a working dd... /bin/dd :info:configure checking how to truncate binary pipes... /bin/dd bs=4096 count=1 :info:configure checking for mt... no :info:configure checking if : is a manifest tool... no :info:configure checking for dsymutil... dsymutil :info:configure checking for nmedit... nmedit :info:configure checking for lipo... lipo :info:configure checking for otool... otool :info:configure checking for otool64... no :info:configure checking for -single_module linker flag... yes :info:configure checking for -exported_symbols_list linker flag... yes :info:configure checking for -force_load linker flag... yes :info:configure checking how to run the C preprocessor... /usr/bin/clang -E :info:configure checking for ANSI C header files... yes :info:configure checking for sys/types.h... yes :info:configure checking for sys/stat.h... yes :info:configure checking for stdlib.h... yes :info:configure checking for string.h... yes :info:configure checking for memory.h... yes :info:configure checking for strings.h... yes :info:configure checking for inttypes.h... yes :info:configure checking for stdint.h... yes :info:configure checking for unistd.h... yes :info:configure checking for dlfcn.h... yes :info:configure checking for objdir... .libs :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... yes :info:configure checking for /usr/bin/clang option to produce PIC... -fno-common -DPIC :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang PIC flag -fno-common -DPIC works... yes :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang static flag -static works... no :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang supports -c -o file.o... yes :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes :info:configure checking whether the /usr/bin/clang linker (/Applications/ supports shared libraries... yes :info:configure checking dynamic linker characteristics... darwin17.6.0 dyld :info:configure checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate :info:configure checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes :info:configure checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes :info:configure checking whether to build shared libraries... no :info:configure checking whether to build static libraries... yes :info:configure checking for rsh... no :info:configure checking for sh... /bin/sh :info:configure checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes :info:configure checking whether /usr/bin/clang++ accepts -g... yes :info:configure checking dependency style of /usr/bin/clang++... gcc3 :info:configure checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /usr/bin/clang++ -E :info:configure checking for ld used by /usr/bin/clang++... /Applications/ :info:configure checking if the linker (/Applications/ is GNU ld... no :info:configure checking whether the /usr/bin/clang++ linker (/Applications/ supports shared libraries... yes :info:configure checking for /usr/bin/clang++ option to produce PIC... -fno-common -DPIC :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang++ PIC flag -fno-common -DPIC works... yes :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang++ static flag -static works... no :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang++ supports -c -o file.o... yes :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/clang++ supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes :info:configure checking whether the /usr/bin/clang++ linker (/Applications/ supports shared libraries... yes :info:configure checking dynamic linker characteristics... darwin17.6.0 dyld :info:configure checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate :info:configure checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking whether large file support needs explicit enabling... no :info:configure checking architecture type... macos :info:configure checking architecture specific stuff... done :info:configure checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /usr/bin/clang++ -E :info:configure checking for gcc... (cached) /usr/bin/clang :info:configure checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes :info:configure checking whether /usr/bin/clang accepts -g... (cached) yes :info:configure checking for /usr/bin/clang option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed :info:configure checking whether /usr/bin/clang understands -c and -o together... (cached) yes :info:configure checking dependency style of /usr/bin/clang... (cached) gcc3 :info:configure checking how to run the C preprocessor... /usr/bin/clang -E :info:configure checking for Cygwin environment... no :info:configure checking for executable suffix... no :info:configure checking for object file suffix... (cached) o :info:configure checking whether to enable large arenas ...... "no" :info:configure configure: checking for java compiler... :info:configure configure: WARNING: JAVAC was preset :info:configure checking for /usr/bin/javac... /usr/bin/javac :info:configure checking if /usr/bin/javac works...... yes :info:configure configure: checking for jar... :info:configure checking for jar... jar :info:configure configure: checking for javah... :info:configure configure: WARNING: JAVAH was preset :info:configure checking for /usr/bin/javah... /usr/bin/javah :info:configure configure: WARNING: JAVA was preset :info:configure checking for /usr/bin/javah... /usr/bin/java :info:configure checking for valid jni headers path... yes :info:configure checking for jdk classes... none :info:configure checking for netscape jar files... yes :info:configure checking for cosmo jar files... yes :info:configure configure: DX_JAVA_CLASSPATH :: /opt/local/share/java/java40.jar:/opt/local/share/java/npcosmop211.jar:./ :info:configure checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes :info:configure checking for library containing opendir... none required :info:configure checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes :info:configure checking for sys/wait.h that is POSIX.1 compatible... yes :info:configure checking for mode_t... no :info:configure checking for pid_t... no :info:configure checking for size_t... no :info:configure checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... no :info:configure checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... sys/time.h :info:configure checking for pthread_getspecific in -lpthread... yes :info:configure checking for X... libraries /usr/X11/lib, headers :info:configure checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes :info:configure checking for SmcSetProperties in -lSM... yes :info:configure checking for printf in -lxlibcon... no :info:configure checking for XCreateWindow in -lxlib... no :info:configure checking for XtVaGetValues in -lxt... yes :info:configure checking for XtVaGetValues in -lxmstatxt... no :info:configure checking for XmStringFree in -lxmstatic... no :info:configure checking for XmStringFree in -lxm... yes :info:configure checking for glXGetConfig in -lhclglx... no :info:configure checking for gluBuild2DMipmaps in -lhclglu... no :info:configure checking for glAccum in -lglwstati... no :info:configure checking for XCreateGC in -lX11... yes :info:configure checking for XtMalloc in -lXt... yes :info:configure checking for XextAddDisplay in -lXext... yes :info:configure checking for XmuAddInitializer in -lXmu... yes :info:configure checking for sqrt in -lm... yes :info:configure checking for glXGetConfig in -lGL... yes :info:configure checking for gluBuild2DMipmaps in -lGLU... yes :info:configure checking for XpSetImageResolution in -lXp... yes :info:configure checking for XmGetDestination in -lXm... yes :info:configure configure: using old version of LESSTIF :info:configure checking for regcomp in -lREXP... no :info:configure checking whether we are using GNU glibc math... -D_GNU_SOURCE :info:configure checking for main in -lg++... no :info:configure checking for main in -ldl... yes :info:configure configure: checking for TIFF support ...... :info:configure checking tiff.h usability... no :info:configure checking tiff.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiff.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiff.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiff.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiff.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiff.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for tiff.h... no :info:configure checking tiffio.h usability... no :info:configure checking tiffio.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiffio.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiffio.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiffio.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiffio.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: tiffio.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for tiffio.h... no :info:configure checking for TIFFOpen in -ltiff... yes :info:configure checking if TIFF package is complete... no -- some components failed test :info:configure configure: checking for XPM support ...... :info:configure checking xpm.h usability... no :info:configure checking xpm.h presence... no :info:configure checking for xpm.h... no :info:configure checking X11/xpm.h usability... no :info:configure checking X11/xpm.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: X11/xpm.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: X11/xpm.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: X11/xpm.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: X11/xpm.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: X11/xpm.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for X11/xpm.h... no :info:configure checking for XpmReadFileToPixmap in -lXpm... yes :info:configure checking if XPM package is complete... no -- some components failed test :info:configure configure: checking for HDF components ...... :info:configure checking dfsd.h usability... no :info:configure checking dfsd.h presence... no :info:configure checking for dfsd.h... no :info:configure checking hdf/dfsd.h usability... no :info:configure checking hdf/dfsd.h presence... no :info:configure checking for hdf/dfsd.h... no :info:configure checking for Hopen in -ldf... no :info:configure checking if HDF package is complete... no :info:configure configure: checking for CDF support ...... :info:configure checking cdf.h usability... no :info:configure checking cdf.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: cdf.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: cdf.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: cdf.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: cdf.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: cdf.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for cdf.h... no :info:configure checking for CDFlib in -lcdf... yes :info:configure checking if CDF package is complete... no -- some components failed test :info:configure configure: checking for NETCDF support ...... :info:configure checking netcdf.h usability... no :info:configure checking netcdf.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: netcdf.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: netcdf.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: netcdf.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: netcdf.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: netcdf.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for netcdf.h... no :info:configure checking for nc_copy_att in -lnetcdf... yes :info:configure checking if NETCDF package is complete... no -- some components failed test :info:configure configure: checking for ImageMagick support ...... :info:configure checking for Magick-config... no :info:configure checking magick/api.h usability... no :info:configure checking magick/api.h presence... no :info:configure checking for magick/api.h... no :info:configure no - Magick-config not found :info:configure checking for getdtablesize... yes :info:configure checking for getcwd... yes :info:configure checking for gethostname... yes :info:configure checking for gettimeofday... yes :info:configure checking for mkdir... yes :info:configure checking for mkfifo... yes :info:configure checking for mktime... yes :info:configure checking for putenv... yes :info:configure checking for re_comp... no :info:configure checking for regcmp... no :info:configure checking for select... yes :info:configure checking for socket... yes :info:configure checking for strcspn... yes :info:configure checking for strdup... yes :info:configure checking for strerror... yes :info:configure checking for strspn... yes :info:configure checking for strstr... yes :info:configure checking for strtod... yes :info:configure checking for strtol... yes :info:configure checking for strtoul... yes :info:configure checking for uname... yes :info:configure checking for trunc... yes :info:configure checking for _Errno... no :info:configure checking for spawnvp... no :info:configure checking for _spawnvp... no :info:configure checking for regcomp... yes :info:configure checking for sysmp... no :info:configure checking for sysconf... yes :info:configure checking for pipe... yes :info:configure checking for _pipe... no :info:configure checking for _popen... no :info:configure checking for popen... yes :info:configure checking for _pclose... no :info:configure checking for pclose... yes :info:configure checking for random... yes :info:configure checking for rand... yes :info:configure checking for srandom... yes :info:configure checking for shmat... yes :info:configure checking for getopt... yes :info:configure checking for srand... yes :info:configure checking for opendir... yes :info:configure checking for _findfirst... no :info:configure checking for strrstr... no :info:configure checking for strcasecmp... yes :info:configure checking for stricmp... no :info:configure checking for getpid... yes :info:configure checking for _getpid... no :info:configure checking for unlink... yes :info:configure checking for _unlink... no :info:configure checking for getlogin... yes :info:configure checking for isatty... yes :info:configure checking for _isatty... no :info:configure checking for setsockopt... yes :info:configure checking for isnan... yes :info:configure checking for finite... yes :info:configure checking if RAND_MAX defined... no :info:configure checking if signal.h defines SIGBUS... yes :info:configure checking if signal.h defines SIGKILL... yes :info:configure checking if signal.h defines SIGDANGER... no :info:configure checking if signal.h defines SIGPIPE... yes :info:configure checking if signal.h defines SIGQUIT... yes :info:configure checking for flex... flex :info:configure checking lex output file root... lex.yy :info:configure checking lex library... none needed :info:configure checking whether yytext is a pointer... no :info:configure checking lex output file root... (cached) lex.yy :info:configure checking whether yylineno is defined... no :info:configure checking for bison... bison :info:configure checking for DPS/XDPSlib.h... no :info:configure checking for DPS/dpsXclient.h... no :info:configure checking for DPS/psops.h... no :info:configure checking for GL/gl.h... yes :info:configure checking for GL/glx.h... yes :info:configure checking for Mrm/MrmPublic.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/Composite.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/CompositeP.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/Constraint.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/CoreP.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/Intrinsic.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/IntrinsicI.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/IntrinsicP.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/Protocols.h... no :info:configure checking for X11/Shell.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/StringDefs.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/X.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/XHPlib.h... no :info:configure checking for X11/Xatom.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/Xlib.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/XlibXtra.h... no :info:configure checking for X11/Xos.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/Xutil.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/cursorfont.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/keysym.h... yes :info:configure checking for X11/keysymdef.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ArrowB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ArrowBG.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/AtomMgr.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/BulletinB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/BulletinBP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/CascadeB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/CascadeBG.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Command.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/CutPaste.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/DialogS.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/DragC.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/DragDrop.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/DrawingA.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/DrawingAP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/DrawnB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/FileSB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Form.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/FormP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Frame.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/FrameP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/GadgetP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Label.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/LabelG.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/LabelGP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/LabelP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/List.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/MainW.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ManagerP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/MenuShell.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/MessageB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/MwmUtil.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/PanedW.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/PrimitiveP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Protocols.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/PushB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/PushBG.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/PushBP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/RepType.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/RowColumn.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Scale.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ScrollBar.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ScrolledW.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ScrolledWP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/SelectioB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/SeparatoG.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/SeparatoGP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Separator.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Text.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/TextF.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ToggleB.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/ToggleBG.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/Xm.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/XmP.h... yes :info:configure checking for Xm/XmStrDefs.h... yes :info:configure checking for gl.h... no :info:configure checking for gl/device.h... no :info:configure checking for gl/gl.h... yes :info:configure checking for invent.h... no :info:configure checking for iop/afb.h... no :info:configure checking for iop/mov.h... no :info:configure checking for iop/pfs.h... no :info:configure checking for license.h... no :info:configure checking for linux/kernel.h... no :info:configure checking for linux/sys.h... no :info:configure checking for math.h... yes :info:configure checking for mingw32/dir.h... no :info:configure checking for mon.h... no :info:configure checking for net/if_arp.h... yes :info:configure checking for net/route.h... yes :info:configure checking for os2.h... no :info:configure checking for setjmp.h... yes :info:configure checking for starbase.c.h... no :info:configure checking for stddef.h... yes :info:configure checking for stdio.h... yes :info:configure checking for synch.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/access.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/ipc.h... yes :info:configure checking for sys/m88kbcs.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/mman.h... yes :info:configure checking for sys/mode.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/pstat.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/resource.h... yes :info:configure checking for sys/svs.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/sysconfig.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/syslimits.h... yes :info:configure checking for sys/sysmacros.h... no :info:configure checking for ulocks.h... no :info:configure checking for x11/xlibxtra.h... no :info:configure checking for xgl/xgl.h... no :info:configure checking arpa/inet.h usability... no :info:configure checking arpa/inet.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: arpa/inet.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: arpa/inet.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: arpa/inet.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: arpa/inet.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: arpa/inet.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for arpa/inet.h... no :info:configure checking CC/osfcn.h usability... no :info:configure checking CC/osfcn.h presence... no :info:configure checking for CC/osfcn.h... no :info:configure checking conio.h usability... no :info:configure checking conio.h presence... no :info:configure checking for conio.h... no :info:configure checking crypt.h usability... no :info:configure checking crypt.h presence... no :info:configure checking for crypt.h... no :info:configure checking ctype.h usability... no :info:configure checking ctype.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: ctype.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: ctype.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: ctype.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: ctype.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: ctype.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for ctype.h... no :info:configure checking cygwin/socket.h usability... no :info:configure checking cygwin/socket.h presence... no :info:configure checking for cygwin/socket.h... no :info:configure checking sys/socket.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/socket.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/socket.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/socket.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/socket.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/socket.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/socket.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/socket.h... no :info:configure checking for dlfcn.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking errno.h usability... no :info:configure checking errno.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: errno.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: errno.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: errno.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: errno.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: errno.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for errno.h... no :info:configure checking fcntl.h usability... no :info:configure checking fcntl.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: fcntl.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: fcntl.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: fcntl.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: fcntl.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: fcntl.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for fcntl.h... no :info:configure checking get.h usability... no :info:configure checking get.h presence... no :info:configure checking for get.h... no :info:configure checking io.h usability... no :info:configure checking io.h presence... no :info:configure checking for io.h... no :info:configure checking limits.h usability... no :info:configure checking limits.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: limits.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: limits.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: limits.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: limits.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: limits.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for limits.h... no :info:configure checking malloc.h usability... no :info:configure checking malloc.h presence... no :info:configure checking for malloc.h... no :info:configure checking netdb.h usability... no :info:configure checking netdb.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: netdb.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: netdb.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: netdb.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: netdb.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: netdb.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for netdb.h... no :info:configure checking netinet/in.h usability... no :info:configure checking netinet/in.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: netinet/in.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: netinet/in.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: netinet/in.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: netinet/in.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: netinet/in.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for netinet/in.h... no :info:configure checking process.h usability... no :info:configure checking process.h presence... no :info:configure checking for process.h... no :info:configure checking pwd.h usability... no :info:configure checking pwd.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: pwd.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: pwd.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: pwd.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: pwd.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: pwd.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for pwd.h... no :info:configure checking signal.h usability... no :info:configure checking signal.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: signal.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: signal.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: signal.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: signal.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: signal.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for signal.h... no :info:configure checking for string.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking for strings.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking sys/bsd_types.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/bsd_types.h presence... no :info:configure checking for sys/bsd_types.h... no :info:configure checking sys/errno.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/errno.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/errno.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/errno.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/errno.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/errno.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/errno.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/errno.h... no :info:configure checking sys/file.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/file.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/file.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/file.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/file.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/file.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/file.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/file.h... no :info:configure checking sys/filio.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/filio.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/filio.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/filio.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/filio.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/filio.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/filio.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/filio.h... no :info:configure checking sys/ioctl.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/ioctl.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/ioctl.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/ioctl.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/ioctl.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/ioctl.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/ioctl.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/ioctl.h... no :info:configure checking sys/ldr.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/ldr.h presence... no :info:configure checking for sys/ldr.h... no :info:configure checking sys/m_wait.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/m_wait.h presence... no :info:configure checking for sys/m_wait.h... no :info:configure checking sys/param.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/param.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/param.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/param.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/param.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/param.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/param.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/param.h... no :info:configure checking sys/select.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/select.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/select.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/select.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/select.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/select.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/select.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/select.h... no :info:configure checking sys/shm.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/shm.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/shm.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/shm.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/shm.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/shm.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/shm.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/shm.h... no :info:configure checking sys/signal.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/signal.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/signal.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/signal.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/signal.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/signal.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/signal.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/signal.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking sys/sysmp.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/sysmp.h presence... no :info:configure checking for sys/sysmp.h... no :info:configure checking sys/systemcfg.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/systemcfg.h presence... no :info:configure checking for sys/systemcfg.h... no :info:configure checking sys/systeminfo.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/systeminfo.h presence... no :info:configure checking for sys/systeminfo.h... no :info:configure checking sys/timeb.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/timeb.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/timeb.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/timeb.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/timeb.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/timeb.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/timeb.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/timeb.h... no :info:configure checking sys/times.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/times.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/times.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/times.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/times.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/times.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/times.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/times.h... no :info:configure checking sys/time.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/time.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/time.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/time.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/time.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/time.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/time.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/time.h... no :info:configure checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking sys/un.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/un.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/un.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/un.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/un.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/un.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/un.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/un.h... no :info:configure checking sys/utsname.h usability... no :info:configure checking sys/utsname.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/utsname.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/utsname.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/utsname.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/utsname.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: sys/utsname.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for sys/utsname.h... no :info:configure checking time.h usability... no :info:configure checking time.h presence... yes :info:configure configure: WARNING: time.h: present but cannot be compiled :info:configure configure: WARNING: time.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? :info:configure configure: WARNING: time.h: see the Autoconf documentation :info:configure configure: WARNING: time.h: section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled" :info:configure configure: WARNING: time.h: proceeding with the compiler's result :info:configure checking for time.h... no :info:configure checking types.h usability... no :info:configure checking types.h presence... no :info:configure checking for types.h... no :info:configure checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking values.h usability... no :info:configure checking values.h presence... no :info:configure checking for values.h... no :info:configure checking wait.h usability... no :info:configure checking wait.h presence... no :info:configure checking for wait.h... no :info:configure checking for X11/Xmu/Editres.h... no :info:configure configure: checking for XINERAMA support ...... :info:configure checking for X11/extensions/Xinerama.h... no :info:configure checking for XineramaQueryExtension in -lXinerama... yes :info:configure checking if Xinerama package is complete... no -- some components failed test :info:configure checking for net/if.h... no :info:configure checking for O_RDONLY... no :info:configure checking for windows.h... (cached) no :info:configure checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes :info:configure checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes :info:configure could not find working combination of stat function and structure :debug:configure Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root. :debug:build build phase started at Fri Jun 22 13:27:26 EDT 2018 :notice:build ---> Building opendx :debug:build Executing (opendx) :debug:build Environment: :debug:build CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' :debug:build CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' :debug:build CPATH='/opt/local/include' :debug:build LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' :debug:build MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.13' :info:build Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/make -j4 -w all :debug:build system: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/make -j4 -w all :info:build make: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4' :info:build make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop. :info:build make: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4' :info:build Command failed: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/work/dx-4.4.4" && /usr/bin/make -j4 -w all :info:build Exit code: 2 :error:build Failed to build opendx: command execution failed :debug:build Error code: CHILDSTATUS 3951 2 :debug:build Backtrace: command execution failed :debug:build while executing :debug:build "system {*}$notty {*}$nice $fullcmdstring" :debug:build invoked from within :debug:build "command_exec build" :debug:build (procedure "portbuild::build_main" line 8) :debug:build invoked from within :debug:build "$procedure $targetname" :error:build See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_opendx/opendx/main.log for details.