$ port rdeps opencv3 The following ports are dependencies of opencv3 @3.4.16_1: cmake lbzip2 libcxx xz gettext libiconv gperf libtextstyle ncurses gettext-runtime gettext-tools-libs curl pkgconfig libidn2 libunistring perl5 perl5.28 db48 gdbm readline texinfo help2man perl5.30 p5.30-locale-gettext autoconf m4 automake libtool xattr unzip libpsl python310 bzip2 expat libedit libffi expect tcl dejagnu openssl openssl3 zlib sqlite3 python_select python3_select zstd lz4 curl-ca-bundle libarchive libxml2 icu lzo2 libb2 libuv ffmpeg gmake lzip cctools nasm lame libvorbis libogg libopus librsvg rust git pcre2 rsync popt xxhashlib p5.28-authen-sasl p5.28-digest-hmac p5.28-digest-sha1 p5.28-gssapi kerberos5 python39 libcomerr coreutils gmp lmdb p5.28-error p5.28-net-smtp-ssl p5.28-io-socket-ssl p5.28-io-socket-inet6 p5.28-socket6 p5.28-io p5.28-io-socket-ip p5.28-socket p5.28-module-build p5.28-cpan-meta-yaml p5.28-cpan-meta p5.28-cpan-meta-requirements p5.28-encode p5.28-scalar-list-utils p5.28-version p5.28-inc-latest p5.28-module-metadata p5.28-perl-ostype p5.28-podlators p5.28-pod-simple p5.28-pod-escapes p5.28-mozilla-ca p5.28-net-libidn libidn p5.28-net-ssleay p5.28-test-exception p5.28-sub-uplevel p5.28-test-nowarnings p5.28-test-warn p5.28-term-readkey p5.28-cgi p5.28-test-deep p5.28-html-parser p5.28-html-tagset p5.28-http-message p5.28-try-tiny p5.28-capture-tiny p5.28-sub-name p5.28-devel-checkbin p5.28-extutils-makemaker p5.28-extutils-manifest p5.28-clone p5.28-b-cow p5.28-encode-locale p5.28-http-date p5.28-time-local p5.28-timedate p5.28-io-html p5.28-lwp-mediatypes p5.28-test-fatal p5.28-uri p5.28-test-needs ninja re2c bison bison-runtime libgit2 libssh2 openssl11 cargo cargo-bootstrap glib2 meson py39-setuptools py-bootstrap-modules pcre cairo libpixman fontconfig freetype brotli libpng ossp-uuid xrender xorg-libX11 xorg-xtrans xorg-xorgproto xorg-util-macros xorg-libXdmcp xorg-libXau xorg-libxcb xorg-xcb-proto xorg-libpthread-stubs xorg-libXext xorg-xcb-util pango gobject-introspection autoconf-archive gtk-doc libxslt docbook-xml xmlcatmgr docbook-xml-4.1.2 docbook-xml-4.2 docbook-xml-4.3 docbook-xml-4.4 docbook-xml-4.5 docbook-xml-5.0 docbook-xsl-nons itstool gawk py310-libxml2 py39-anytree py39-six py39-pytest py39-setuptools_scm py39-packaging py39-parsing py39-pretend py39-tomli py39-attrs py39-hypothesis py39-sortedcontainers py39-zopeinterface py39-zope-event py39-pip pip_select py39-iniconfig py39-pluggy py39-py py39-toml pytest_select py39-nose nosetests_select py39-lxml py39-pygments pygments_select py39-mock py39-mako py39-beaker py39-markupsafe py39-markdown fribidi harfbuzz graphite2 py39-fonttools fonttools_select py39-brotli py39-zopfli py39-build py39-wheel py39-python-install py39-pep517 py39-unicodedata2 Xft2 gdk-pixbuf2 shared-mime-info xmlto getopt findutils fop grep gsed libpaper links libevent jasper libjpeg-turbo tiff vala flex graphviz webp giflib gd2 libheif dav1d aom yasm libde265 rav1e cargo-c x265 xpm xorg-libXt xorg-libsm xorg-libice gts libnetpbm libLASi xorg-libXaw groff ghostscript jbig2dec openjpeg lcms2 jbigkit psutils netpbm uchardet urw-fonts xorg-libXmu libtheora libmodplug libass libbluray libvpx gnutls libtasn1 p11-kit nettle zvbi speex soxr zimg libsdl2 XviD x264 ilmbase openexr $