* The Oz Programming Interface (OPI): Emacs Mozart use Emacs as the programming interface. Popular emacs versions on macosx, packaged as an macosx application, includes: Carbon Emacs: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html Aquamacs Emacs: http://aquamacs.org/ * Invoke the OPI from the commandline: > oz Open emacs in oz mode and start the interpreter. By default, oz try to run on /Applications/Aquamacs Emacs, /Applications/Emacs, or whatever Emacs is available. To use a specific Emac version, set OZEMACS environment variable: export OZEMACS="/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs" Carbon Emacs export OZEMACS="/Applications/Aquamacs Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Aquamacs Emacs" Aquamacs * Add oz-mode to Emacs Add the following to your .emacs (or Library/Preferences/[Aquamacs ]Emacs/Preferences.el for Aquamacs): ; Mozart - Oz (or (getenv "OZHOME") (setenv "OZHOME" "/opt/local/mozart")) ; or wherever Mozart is installed (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "OZHOME") "/bin:" (getenv "PATH"))) (setq load-path (cons (concat (getenv "OZHOME") "/share/elisp") load-path)) (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.oz\\'" . oz-mode) ("\\.ozg\\'" . oz-gump-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'run-oz "oz" "" t) (autoload 'oz-mode "oz" "" t) (autoload 'oz-gump-mode "oz" "" t) (autoload 'oz-new-buffer "oz" "" t) * Emacs oz-mode essentials: M-x run-oz C-x C-f filename.oz M-x oz-new-buffer