Opened 16 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#20021 closed submission (fixed)
WWW-URLToys 1.28 Portfile
Reported by: | scott@… | Owned by: | macports-tickets@… |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | ports | Version: | 1.7.1 |
Keywords: | Cc: | scott@… | |
Port: | p5-www-urltoys |
Attachments (2)
Change History (10)
Changed 16 years ago by scott@…
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by scott@…
Cc: | scott@… added |
comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by raimue (Rainer Müller)
There is usually no need to add a homepage when using perl5.setup for CPAN. It will automatically be filled. Especially you should avoid hardcoding the version there.
comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by scott@…
Hardcoding the version was a silly copy and paste of the url to the page I was on. Had I wanted to use a url, what would be the correct one in this case? It looks as though all url's to this perl module contain a version. I can only find and I do not think that is correct either.
Looks like ports gets, which did it get that url from?
I looked at the docs on this, I see no mention of not adding in the home page, is there somewhere I can read more about perl5.setup, I am not finding a lot about it, and only used it as a result of using another portfil as a template.
Outside of that issue, was everything else in order?
comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by blb@…
Port: | p5-www-urltoys added; WWW-URLToys 1.28 removed |
The guide has a section on the perl group that may help answer at least some questions.
comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by scott@…
Do you want a new port submitted, or can the extra line to the homepage be deleted by you guys?
comment:6 follow-up: 7 Changed 16 years ago by blb@…
Does this also depend on p5-libwww-perl and p5-uri (per the README)?
comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by scott@…
Replying to blb@…:
Does this also depend on p5-libwww-perl and p5-uri (per the README)?
Good catch. I went ahead and uninstalled all port files, and then installed p5-www-urltoys and found it missing Adding in p5-libwww-perl as a dependency, solved this. That seems to have all the bits needed to get this working.
/opt/local/bin/perl -MWWW::URLToys -e 1 Returns no error, telling me I am installed correctly I believe.
After some time to bring perl back in, calling port install p5-WWW-URLToys I am now left with this
$port installed The following ports are currently installed:
p5-compress-raw-zlib @2.015_0 (active) p5-compress-zlib @2.015_0 (active) p5-crypt-ssleay @0.57_0 (active) p5-html-parser @3.60_0 (active) p5-html-tagset @3.20_0 (active) p5-io-compress-base @2.015_0 (active) p5-io-compress-zlib @2.015_0 (active) p5-libwww-perl @5.826_0 (active) p5-uri @1.37_0 (active) p5-www-urltoys @1.28_0 (active) perl5 @5.8.9_0 (active) perl5.8 @5.8.9_3 (active)
I guess libwww-perl puts in a bit more stuff than needed. At any rate, seems to now work, and is attached.
Changed 16 years ago by scott@…
Attachment: | Portfile.2 added |
comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by blb@…
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Added in r54048, thanks.
Cc Me!