Opened 15 years ago
Closed 6 years ago
#25053 closed defect (fixed)
podofo 0.8.0 undefined symbols when using SDK on 10.4
Reported by: | tysonholub@… | Owned by: | dbevans (David B. Evans) |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | ports | Version: | 1.8.2 |
Keywords: | tiger | Cc: | cooljeanius (Eric Gallager) |
Port: | podofo |
I cannot get podofo 0.8.0 to build on Tiger Server 10.4, or any 10.4 system for that matter. Running Xcode 2.5 and macport 1.8.2, The build for Tiger. All dependencies build fine and then podofo errors due to undefined symbols. I've had no issues building podofo in OS 10.6 with Xcode 3.2. My debug log is attached.
Attachments (1)
Change History (11)
Changed 15 years ago by tysonholub@…
Attachment: | podofoDebugBuild.rtf added |
comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)
Owner: | changed from macports-tickets@… to devans@… |
Port: | podofo added |
comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)
Resolution: | → worksforme |
Status: | new → closed |
Looks like possibly some outdated ports. Current version of podofo 0.8.4 builds without problems for me. Try
sudo port selfupdate sudo port upgrade outdated sudo port clean podofo sudo port install podofo
comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by tysonholub@…
Resolution: | worksforme |
Status: | closed → reopened |
Still does not compile for me. Seems like the original error orginally posted has not been resolved. I can still only build to 76%. Errors due to undefined symbols. What version of OS 10.4 did you get it to build on?
comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)
10.4.11 ppc
Is this a fresh install or an upgrade? Are your Portfiles up to date? Current version is 0.8.4.
Try this
sudo port selfupdate sudo port deactive podofo (if old version is installed) sudo port install podofo
comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by tysonholub@…
This is a fresh install. I have not yet been able to build podofo on any 10.4 system. Currently I only have one 10.4.6 server system to test this update on. The other 10.4 system has been updated to 10.5 and now builds podofo with no problems. I also have podofo running on multiple 10.6 systems.
So yes this is a fresh install since I have never managed to build podofo through macport on OS 10.4
The portfiles are up to date for podofo @0.8.4
comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)
Keywords: | tiger added |
Summary: | podofo 0.8.0 undefined symbols - build fail → podofo 0.8.0 undefined symbols when using SDK on 10.4 |
There is a well-known problem with using an SDK on Tiger and linking to libraries outside the SDK. The cmake portgroup has been modified not to use an SDK most of the time since this ticket was filed, but it's unavoidable when building universal on PPC Tiger.
comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)
Is this still a problem since the default compiler on Tiger was changed to gcc-4.2?
comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)
I no longer have a Tiger system to test this so I need to rely on someone who does to verify this one way or the other. Hopefully, someone will step up. Otherwise will have to declare Tiger unsupported for this port.
comment:10 Changed 6 years ago by kencu (Ken)
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | reopened → closed |
As this port uses the c++11 PG now, +universal builds PPC/Intel are not presently possible. The c++11 PG disables these automatically.
The port builds without intervention on 10.4 PPC at present, using gcc6 and cmake, and installs properly. At the time of writing, the version is 0.9.6.
Debug Log