Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#56761 closed enhancement (fixed)

Remove wine dependency from winetricks

Reported by: Haravikk Owned by: ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Priority: Low Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Port: winetricks


Normally I use PlayOnMac to manage WINE for me on Mac, but I've recently discovered an issue with one of their winetricks style installers, and unfortunately PoM/PoL don't allow direct access to winetricks as a fallback.

I figured it might be convenient to download winetricks through MacPorts in order to run it, but it turns out that winetricks has a huge list of dependencies that it doesn't actually need, pretty much entirely because of a dependency on WINE itself. So I've abandoned doing it through MacPorts in favour of just getting it the old-fashioned way (since it's basically just a single script anyway).

Now obviously, winetricks doesn't serve much purpose without a WINE install somewhere, but there should be no need to force the download of MacPorts managed WINE just to install winetricks.

I'd like to propose therefore that winetricks' list of dependencies be pruned back to what it actually requires in order to run, excluding WINE which a user may have obtained from one of many other sources. Basically, it should be possible for someone using Play on Mac, Wineskin Winery etc. etc. to just download winetricks on its own if they want to. If possible, a good compromise might be a prompt to install WINE as well, but I don't know if MacPorts supports such a thing?

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Keywords: wine winetricks dependencies removed
Milestone: MacPorts Future
Owner: set to ryandesign
Status: newassigned

The Milestone field is for use by Macports team members only, please do not set it.

In the future, please add the port maintainer(s) to Cc (port info --maintainers winetricks), if any.

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Looks like the wine dependency has been there since I originally added the port in [4de16680a9026d7af52218570b09e44cbbe03bad/macports-ports] / r34494. I don't remember a reason for doing this, other than indeed the thought that the user is going to need a wine installation in order to make use of it. So I agree with your justification for removing the wine dependency.

Note, however, that most of winetricks' dependencies come not from wine but from zenity. Winetricks uses zenity to display its dialog boxes.

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 7ddf3edd5e1bcfe884b427f77fe0455e7810a2e9/macports-ports (master):

winetricks: Remove wine dependency

This makes it easier to use MacPorts winetricks with non-MacPorts wine

Closes: #56761

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