Opened 5 weeks ago

Last modified 5 weeks ago

#71242 new defect

p5-module-signature has problems to build with Perl 5.34 (and similarly with Perl 5.38)

Reported by: ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa) Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.10.2
Keywords: highsierra Cc:
Port: p5-module-signature


When trying to install this module, because another module requires it, which in turn is required by a third one, perl reports a few times that /opt/local/libexec/keyboxd does not work, generally:

--->  Configuring p5.34-module-signature
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /opt/local/bin/perl5.34 Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor CC="/usr/bin/clang" LD="/usr/bin/clang" 
Looking for GNU Privacy Guard (gpg), a cryptographic signature tool...
gpg: directory '/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/.home/.gnupg' created
gpg: /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/.home/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: keydb_search_first failed: Input/output error
GnuPG found (/opt/local/bin/gpg2).
Import PAUSE and author keys to GnuPG? [y] y
Importing... gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2

In ~ (/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/.home) .gnupg is created which contains:

total 16
-rw-r-----  1 macports  wheel    12  5 Nov 12:31 common.conf
drwxr-x---  2 macports  wheel    68  5 Nov 12:31 public-keys.d
-rw-------  1 macports  wheel  1200  5 Nov 12:31 trustdb.gpg


Attachments (1)

main.log (155.0 KB) - added by ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa) 5 weeks ago.
Main.log from High Sierra 10.13.6

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

Changed 5 weeks ago by ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa)

Attachment: main.log added

Main.log from High Sierra 10.13.6

comment:1 Changed 5 weeks ago by ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa)

It turns out that p5-crypt-openpgp is a dependency required by t/3-verify.t.

comment:2 Changed 5 weeks ago by ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa)

With that dependent module installed p5-module-signature built and installed and I finally get:

--->  Testing p5.38-module-signature
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.38-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/make test 
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/opt/local/bin/perl5.38" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/0-signature.t .. skipped: Set the environment variable TEST_SIGNATURE to enable this test.
t/1-basic.t ...... ok
t/2-cygwin.t ..... skipped: Cygwin only tests
t/3-verify.t ..... skipped: GnuPG only tests
All tests successful.
Files=4, Tests=2,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.01 sys +  0.51 cusr  0.08 csys =  0.64 CPU)
Result: PASS

comment:3 Changed 5 weeks ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

So… you're saying that port:p${perl5.major}-crypt-openpgp should be added to this port's depends_build? If so, you could submit a pull request to do that.

comment:4 Changed 5 weeks ago by ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa)

Yes. See here:

port -vs install p5.34-module-signature
--->  Computing dependencies for p5.34-module-signature....
The following dependencies will be installed: 
Continue? [Y/n]: --->  Fetching distfiles for p5.34-io-tty
many warnings and some succsessful installations later
--->  Activating p5.34-ipc-run @20231003.0.0_0
--->  Fetching distfiles for p5.34-module-signature
--->  Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz does not exist in /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/perl5
--->  Attempting to fetch Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz from
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   99k  100   99k    0     0  3033k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3099k
--->  Verifying checksums for p5.34-module-signature
--->  Checksumming Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz
--->  Extracting p5.34-module-signature
--->  Extracting Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work" && /usr/bin/gzip -dc '/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/perl5/Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz' | /usr/bin/tar -xf - 
--->  Applying patches to p5.34-module-signature
--->  Applying patch-ignore-gnupg1.diff
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/patch -t -N -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/'
patching file Makefile.PL
--->  Configuring p5.34-module-signature
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /opt/local/bin/perl5.34 Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor CC="/usr/bin/clang" LD="/usr/bin/clang" 
Looking for GNU Privacy Guard (gpg), a cryptographic signature tool...
gpg: directory '/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/.home/.gnupg' created
gpg: /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/.home/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: keydb_search_first failed: Input/output error
GnuPG found (/opt/local/bin/gpg2).
Import PAUSE and author keys to GnuPG? [y] y
Importing... gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: key B4B3DD373C3501A0: public key not found: Input/output error
gpg: error reading '': Input/output error
gpg: import from '' failed: Input/output error
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: key EC8039F0A317C15D: public key not found: Input/output error
gpg: error reading '': Input/output error
gpg: import from '' failed: Input/output error
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: key 328DA867450F89EC: public key not found: Input/output error
gpg: error reading '': Input/output error
gpg: import from '' failed: Input/output error
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: key C77C028403690624: public key not found: Input/output error
gpg: error reading '': Input/output error
gpg: import from '' failed: Input/output error
gpg: error running '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': exit status 2
gpg: failed to start keyboxd '/opt/local/libexec/keyboxd': General error
gpg: can't connect to the keyboxd: General error
gpg: error opening key DB: No Keybox daemon running
gpg: key D5F87B2E0606A5F9: public key not found: Input/output error
gpg: error reading '': Input/output error
gpg: import from '' failed: Input/output error
Locating bin:gpg2... found at /opt/local/bin/gpg2.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for Module::Signature
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Fixing flags in Makefile
--->  Patching Makefile: /^CCFLAGS *=/s|$|  -isysroot/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk|
--->  Patching Makefile: /^OTHERLDFLAGS *=/s|$|  -Wl,-syslibroot,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk|
--->  Patching Makefile: s|^(CC *=).*|\1 /usr/bin/clang|
--->  Building p5.34-module-signature
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/make -j12 -w all 
make: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
cp script/cpansign blib/script/cpansign
"/opt/local/bin/perl5.34" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/cpansign
cp lib/Module/ blib/lib/Module/
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 1 pod document
make: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
--->  Staging p5.34-module-signature into destroot
./usr missing (created)
. missing (directory not created: File exists)
./Applications missing (created)
./Developer missing (created)
./Library missing (created)
./bin missing (created)
./etc missing (created)
./include missing (created)
./lib missing (created)
./lib/pkgconfig missing (created)
./libexec missing (created)
./sbin missing (created)
./share missing (created)
./share/doc missing (created)
./share/info missing (created)
./share/man missing (created)
./share/man/cat1 missing (created)
./share/man/cat2 missing (created)
./share/man/cat3 missing (created)
./share/man/cat4 missing (created)
./share/man/cat5 missing (created)
./share/man/cat6 missing (created)
./share/man/cat7 missing (created)
./share/man/cat8 missing (created)
./share/man/cat9 missing (created)
./share/man/catl missing (created)
./share/man/catn missing (created)
./share/man/man1 missing (created)
./share/man/man2 missing (created)
./share/man/man3 missing (created)
./share/man/man4 missing (created)
./share/man/man5 missing (created)
./share/man/man6 missing (created)
./share/man/man7 missing (created)
./share/man/man8 missing (created)
./share/man/man9 missing (created)
./share/man/manl missing (created)
./share/man/mann missing (created)
./share/nls missing (created)
./share/nls/C missing (created)
./share/nls/af_ZA.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/af_ZA.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/bg_BG.CP1251 missing (created)
./share/nls/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/da_DK.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/da_DK.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/de_AT.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/de_AT.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/de_CH.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/de_CH.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/de_DE.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/de_DE.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/el_GR.ISO8859-7 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_AU.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_AU.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_AU.US-ASCII missing (created)
./share/nls/en_CA.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_CA.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_CA.US-ASCII missing (created)
./share/nls/en_GB.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_GB.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_GB.US-ASCII missing (created)
./share/nls/en_NZ.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_NZ.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_NZ.US-ASCII missing (created)
./share/nls/en_US.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/en_US.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/es_ES.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/es_ES.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/et_EE.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/fi_FI.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/fi_FI.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_BE.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_BE.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_CA.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_CA.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_CH.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_CH.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_FR.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/fr_FR.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/hi_IN.ISCII-DEV missing (created)
./share/nls/hr_HR.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/hu_HU.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/is_IS.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/is_IS.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/it_CH.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/it_CH.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/it_IT.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/it_IT.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/ja_JP.SJIS missing (created)
./share/nls/ja_JP.eucJP missing (created)
./share/nls/ko_KR.eucKR missing (created)
./share/nls/la_LN.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/la_LN.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/la_LN.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/la_LN.ISO8859-4 missing (created)
./share/nls/la_LN.US-ASCII missing (created)
./share/nls/lt_LT.ISO8859-4 missing (created)
./share/nls/nl_BE.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/nl_BE.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/nl_NL.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/nl_NL.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/no_NO.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/no_NO.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/pl_PL.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/pt_BR.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/pt_PT.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/pt_PT.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/ro_RO.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/ru_RU.CP866 missing (created)
./share/nls/ru_RU.ISO8859-5 missing (created)
./share/nls/ru_RU.KOI8-R missing (created)
./share/nls/sk_SK.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/sl_SI.ISO8859-2 missing (created)
./share/nls/sv_SE.ISO8859-1 missing (created)
./share/nls/sv_SE.ISO8859-15 missing (created)
./share/nls/tr_TR.ISO8859-9 missing (created)
./share/nls/uk_UA.ISO8859-5 missing (created)
./share/nls/uk_UA.KOI8-U missing (created)
./share/nls/zh_CN.eucCN missing (created)
./share/nls/zh_TW.Big5 missing (created)
./share/skel missing (created)
./var missing (created)
./var/cache missing (created)
./var/db missing (created)
./var/log missing (created)
./var/run missing (created)
./var/spool missing (created)
./www missing (created)
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/make -w pure_install DESTDIR=/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot 
make: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 1 pod document
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/cpansign.1pm
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/Module::Signature.3pm
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/cpansign
make: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
Fixing paths in darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/.packlist
--->  Patching .packlist: s|/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot||p
--->  Installing p5.34-module-signature @0.890.0_0
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot" && /usr/bin/tar -cvf - . | bsdtar -C /opt/local/var/macports/software/p5.34-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature-0.890.0_0.darwin_any.noarch -xvp --hfsCompression -f - 
a .
a ./+DESC
a ./+STATE
a ./opt
a ./opt/local
a ./opt/local/bin
a ./opt/local/libexec
a ./opt/local/lib
a ./opt/local/share
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/cpansign.1pm
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/Module::Signature.3pm
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/.packlist
a ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34
a ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/cpansign
a ./opt/local/bin/cpansign-5.34
x ./
x ./+DESC
x ./+STATE
x ./opt/
x ./opt/local/
x ./opt/local/bin/
x ./opt/local/libexec/
x ./opt/local/lib/
x ./opt/local/share/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/cpansign.1pm
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/Module::Signature.3pm
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/.packlist
x ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/
x ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/cpansign
x ./opt/local/bin/cpansign-5.34
--->  Activating p5.34-module-signature @0.890.0_0
--->  Updating database of binaries
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
--->  No broken files found.
--->  No broken ports found.

I actually do not understand what these "Keybox daemon" failures mean, and why building this dubious port does not lead to a failure…

I uninstalled it, only this one, and invoked

port -v install p5.34-crypt-openpgp
--->  Computing dependencies for p5.34-crypt-openpgp................................
The following dependencies will be installed: 
Continue? [Y/n]: --->  Fetching archive for p5.34-crypt-cast5_pp

which installed 31 additional ports. And now I am re-installing p5-module-signature, after uninstalling and cleaning it:

port -vsk install p5.34-module-signature
--->  Computing dependencies for p5.34-module-signature.
--->  Fetching distfiles for p5.34-module-signature
--->  Verifying checksums for p5.34-module-signature
--->  Checksumming Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz
--->  Extracting p5.34-module-signature
--->  Extracting Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work" && /usr/bin/gzip -dc '/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/perl5/Module-Signature-0.89.tar.gz' | /usr/bin/tar -xf - 
--->  Applying patches to p5.34-module-signature
--->  Applying patch-ignore-gnupg1.diff
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/patch -t -N -p0 < '/opt/local/var/macports/sources/'
patching file Makefile.PL
--->  Configuring p5.34-module-signature
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /opt/local/bin/perl5.34 Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor CC="/usr/bin/clang" LD="/usr/bin/clang" 
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for Module::Signature
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Fixing flags in Makefile
--->  Patching Makefile: /^CCFLAGS *=/s|$|  -isysroot/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk|
--->  Patching Makefile: /^OTHERLDFLAGS *=/s|$|  -Wl,-syslibroot,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk|
--->  Patching Makefile: s|^(CC *=).*|\1 /usr/bin/clang|
--->  Building p5.34-module-signature
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/make -j12 -w all 
make: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
cp script/cpansign blib/script/cpansign
"/opt/local/bin/perl5.34" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/cpansign
cp lib/Module/ blib/lib/Module/
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 1 pod document
make: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
--->  Staging p5.34-module-signature into destroot
./usr missing (created)
. missing (directory not created: File exists)
./Applications missing (created)
./Developer missing (created)
./Library missing (created)
./bin missing (created)
./etc missing (created)
./include missing (created)
./lib missing (created)
./lib/pkgconfig missing (created)
./share/nls/zh_TW.Big5 missing (created)
./share/skel missing (created)
./var missing (created)
./var/cache missing (created)
./var/db missing (created)
./var/log missing (created)
./var/run missing (created)
./var/spool missing (created)
./www missing (created)
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/make -w pure_install DESTDIR=/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot 
make: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 1 pod document
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/cpansign.1pm
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/Module::Signature.3pm
Installing /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot/opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/cpansign
make: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89'
Fixing paths in darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/.packlist
--->  Patching .packlist: s|/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot||p
--->  Installing p5.34-module-signature @0.890.0_0
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/destroot" && /usr/bin/tar -cvf - . | bsdtar -C /opt/local/var/macports/software/p5.34-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature-0.890.0_0.darwin_any.noarch -xvp --hfsCompression -f - 
a .
a ./+DESC
a ./+STATE
a ./opt
a ./opt/local
a ./opt/local/bin
a ./opt/local/libexec
a ./opt/local/lib
a ./opt/local/share
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/cpansign.1pm
a ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/Module::Signature.3pm
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature
a ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/.packlist
a ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34
a ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/cpansign
a ./opt/local/bin/cpansign-5.34
x ./
x ./+DESC
x ./+STATE
x ./opt/
x ./opt/local/
x ./opt/local/bin/
x ./opt/local/libexec/
x ./opt/local/lib/
x ./opt/local/share/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man1/cpansign.1pm
x ./opt/local/share/perl5.34/man/man3/Module::Signature.3pm
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/
x ./opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Module/Signature/.packlist
x ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/
x ./opt/local/libexec/perl5.34/cpansign
x ./opt/local/bin/cpansign-5.34
--->  Activating p5.34-module-signature @0.890.0_0
--->  Updating database of binaries
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
--->  No broken files found.
--->  No broken ports found.

And also:

port -vs test p5.34-module-signature
--->  Computing dependencies for p5.34-module-signature.
--->  Testing p5.34-module-signature
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-module-signature/p5.34-module-signature/work/Module-Signature-0.89" && /usr/bin/make test 
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/opt/local/bin/perl5.34" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/0-signature.t .. skipped: Set the environment variable TEST_SIGNATURE to enable this test.
t/1-basic.t ...... ok
t/2-cygwin.t ..... skipped: Cygwin only tests
t/3-verify.t ..... skipped: GnuPG only tests
All tests successful.
Files=4, Tests=2,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.02 sys +  0.38 cusr  0.11 csys =  0.53 CPU)
Result: PASS

It's obvious. Could be the "binary" port is OK because the build systems have installed a few thousands of Perl modules. But not the user…

comment:5 in reply to:  3 Changed 5 weeks ago by ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa)

Replying to ryandesign:

If so, you could submit a pull request to do that.

No, it reads much too complicated for me. To me looks as a mistake in Portfile – in the sources you can see, that Crypt::OpenPGP (miyagawa) gets used. The README mentions that module, and also states:

        The cipher specified in the SIGNATURE file's first entry will be
        used to validate its integrity. For "SHA256", the user needs to have
        any one of these modules installed: Digest::SHA, Digest::SHA256, or

Besides, I hope to die before Mr. Trump becomes Mr. President again…

Last edited 5 weeks ago by ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa) (previous) (diff)
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