Change History for MisbehavingServers

Version Date Author Comment
12 11 years larryv (Lawrence Velázquez) don't repeat what's already explained elsewhere
11 11 years Arthur200000@…
10 11 years Arthur200000@…
9 11 years Arthur200000@…
8 13 years ecronin (Eric Cronin)
7 13 years jmroot (Joshua Root) link to existing info rather than attempting to duplicate it
6 13 years rogerdpack@… note how to overcome the failure
5 14 years ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt) add entry about public wi-fi hotspots that make you log in
4 14 years ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt) typo
3 14 years jmroot (Joshua Root)
2 14 years jmroot (Joshua Root)
1 14 years jmroot (Joshua Root)