Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of PortfileRecipes

Apr 13, 2011, 9:48:54 PM (13 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)



  • PortfileRecipes

    v24 v25  
    298298 1. Increase the port's `version`, `revision` or `epoch`. Customarily, the old port's version is set to the version of the replacement port. So, when osxvnc @3.0_1 was replaced by vineserver @3.1_0, osxvnc's `version` was set to 3.1 and its `revision` dropped to 0 to match the new vineserver port. If the software was only renamed, without changing its version number, then increase the old port's `revision`.
    299299 1. The above handles upgrades for users who already had the port installed, but does not prevent users from actually installing the old port. To prevent that, there should be a pre-configure block informing the user of the replacement and terminating the installation attempt; see the complete Portfile example below. Note that this should be a pre-configure block, not a pre-fetch block, because some users like to fetch all outdated ports' distfiles using `sudo port fetch outdated` (for example because they temporarily have access to a faster network connection) and we don't want to interrupt that.
    300  1. Remove all directives related to fetching files: `master_sites`, `patch_sites`, `fetch.*`, `cvs.*`, `svn.*`, `hg.*`, `git.*`, or `bzr.*` directives. Set just a single directive `distfiles` to indicate there are no distfiles to fetch.
     300 1. Remove all directives related to fetching and verifying files: `master_sites`, `patch_sites`, `checksums`, `fetch.*`, `cvs.*`, `svn.*`, `hg.*`, `git.*`, or `bzr.*` directives. Set just a single directive `distfiles` to indicate there are no distfiles to fetch.
    301301 1. Remove any existing directives and blocks for any of the phases: fetch, extract, patch, configure, build, destroot, install, archive, activate and deactivate (other than the pre-configure block added above).
    302302 1. Remove any `depends_*`, `PortGroup` and `notes` directives and any `variant` and `platform` blocks.