Changes between Version 88 and Version 89 of PortfileRecipes

Oct 6, 2015, 8:42:49 PM (9 years ago)
dstrubbe (David Strubbe)

remove old stuff about replaced_by that is now in the obsolete PortGroup


  • PortfileRecipes

    v88 v89  
    582582 1. In a comment, mention the date, one year in the future, that the port can be removed.
    583583 1. In order for osxvnc to appear in `port outdated`, increase the port's `version`, `revision` or `epoch`. Customarily, the old port's version is set to the version of the replacement port. So, when osxvnc @3.0_1 was replaced by vineserver @3.1_0, osxvnc's `version` was set to 3.1 and its `revision` dropped to 0 to match the new vineserver port. If the software was only renamed, without changing its version number, then increase the old port's `revision`.
    584  1. Remove all directives related to fetching and verifying files: `master_sites`, `patch_sites`, `checksums`, `fetch.*`, `cvs.*`, `svn.*`, `hg.*`, `git.*`, or `bzr.*` directives. Set just a single directive `distfiles` to indicate there are no distfiles to fetch.
    585  1. Remove any existing directives and blocks for any of the phases: fetch, extract, patch, configure, build, destroot, install, archive, activate and deactivate (other than the pre-configure block added above).
     584 1. Remove all directives related to fetching and verifying files: `master_sites`, `patch_sites`, `checksums`, `fetch.*`, `cvs.*`, `svn.*`, `hg.*`, `git.*`, or `bzr.*` directives.
     585 1. Remove any existing directives and blocks for any of the phases: fetch, extract, patch, configure, build, destroot, install, archive, activate and deactivate.
    586586 1. Remove any `depends_*`, `PortGroup` and `notes` directives and any `variant` and `platform` blocks.
    587587 1. Remove the `files` directory if present since those files are no longer needed.