Changes between Version 100 and Version 101 of ProblemHotlist

May 16, 2013, 8:10:07 PM (11 years ago)
larryv (Lawrence Velázquez)

discourage use of root login shells; add option of running base from trunk


  • ProblemHotlist

    v100 v101  
    251 == Hanging commands on Mountain Lion == #hangs
    252 Mountain Lion made some changes to CoreFoundation, such as the creation of the [ cfprefsd] daemon. This can cause some processes to hang for users who have logged in as root.
    253 A patch to solve this issue was committed in r104118 and is available to MacPorts users who are using trunk for their base. It will reach the rest of the MacPorts users once MacPorts 2.2 is released. In the meantime, users experiencing this issue can export `__CFPREFERENCES_AVOID_DAEMON=1` to their shell environment, and then add `__CFPREFERENCES_AVOID_DAEMON` to the environment variables to keep with the `extra_env` option in the user's `macports.conf` file.
     251== Hanging commands on Mountain Lion == #mtln-hangs
     255Running MacPorts 2.1.3 or older under a root login shell on Mountain
     256Lion may hang indefinitely; this is due to
     257[ certain changes in CoreFoundation].
     258A workaround has been [[changeset:104118|committed to trunk]] and will
     259be released in a future version of MacPorts.
     263The recommended way to avoid this issue is to avoid running MacPorts in
     264root login shells. Non-login root shells are fine.
     265||= =||= DO =||= DON’T =||
     266||= Non-interactive =|| `sudo port …`\\`su -c port …` || `su - -c port …` ||
     267||= Interactive =|| `sudo -s`\\`su` || `sudo -i`\\`sudo su -`\\`su -` ||
     269If you absolutely must use a root login shell, you can
     2701. [[howto/RunningTrunk|run MacPorts from trunk]], or
     2712. work around the problem by setting !__CFPREFERENCES_AVOID_DAEMON to “1” in the environment and configuring MacPorts to preserve it in macports.conf:
     273extra_env   __CFPREFERENCES_AVOID_DAEMON
     275Note that using `extra_env` is unsupported.